Ho Chi Minh City launches website to promote medical tourism

The Ho Chi Minh City Departments of Health and Tourism have launched a website to advertise the city’s healthcare services in conjunction with travel, the first such website in Vietnam.

Healthcare services introduced at a conference on medical tourism in Ho Chi Minh City
Healthcare services introduced at a conference on medical tourism in Ho Chi Minh City

Available at dulichytetphcm.com, the website provides visitors with official information about the healthcare facilities and services on offer in Ho Chi Minh City.

Tourists to the city can enjoy medical packages for services such as dental care, gynaecology, health screening, aesthetic medicine, and traditional medicine.

More medical tourism packages are expected to be launched in the future to meet healthcare needs while aiming to attract both domestic and foreign tourists.

In addition to ecotourism, agritourism and inland waterway tourism, medical tourism is an emerging sector with a great deal of potential for further development in Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh City, especially as Vietnam has recorded internationally recognised achievements in containing the coronavirus.

Data shows that more and more foreign tourists are coming to Vietnam for healthcare services, with revenue estimated at US$2 billion.

In 2018 about 300,000 foreigners arrived in Vietnam to have health examinations, with 57,000 receiving in-patient care, 40% of which received treatment in Ho Chi Minh City.

Such figures indicate great potential for the development of medical tourism in Vietnam in the future.