Hung Yen industry flourishes

After half a term of implementing the Resolution of the 19th Provincial Party Congress, Hung Yen Province's industry continued to have new prosperity. The site clearance work achieved many positive results. Industrial parks and industrial zones continue in the direction of multi-sector, multi-field development, attracting many large projects and advanced technology. That will continue to be the development direction of Hung Yen industry in the coming time.
Hung Yen industry flourishes

To implement the goal of the 19th Hung Yen Provincial Party Congress "to build Hung Yen into a modern industrial province", the Hung Yen Provincial Party Committee issued Resolution No. 07-NQ/TU on June 15, 2021, on the development of industry - handicrafts in the period of 2021-2025, with a vision to 2030.

The Hung Yen Provincial People's Committee has concretised Resolution 07-NQ/TU and directed all levels and branches to devise a plan for its implementation.

At the same time, the province focuses on mobilising all resources to invest in developing synchronous transport infrastructure, connecting with major economic centres and important traffic hubs in the Northern Key Economic Region and the Red River Delta region, and meeting urgent requirements for socio-economic development, including industry and handicrafts.

Adjust and supplement the planning for development of industrial zones (IZs) in the province in order to distribute industrial development more rationally; effectively exploit favourable local conditions for industrial development; and ensure compliance with the land use planning and industrial development demands of the province.

At Maz Asia automobile assembly plant, Kim Dong district, Hung Yen province
At Maz Asia automobile assembly plant, Kim Dong district, Hung Yen province

Hung Yen Province has paid attention and effectively implemented the planning tasks and policies to attract investment. To date, Hung Yen Province has been approved by the Prime Minister on the policy of planning the development of 17 industrial parks, with a total area of more than 4,395 hectares. Of which, 8 IPs have been put into operation and received investment projects, and 9 IPs are in the process of being deployed but have yet to be put into operation. It is expected that by 2025, 6 new and expanded IPs will be put into operation.

Hung Yen Province continues to create conditions for production activities of small and medium enterprises, craft villages, the province has established 26 industrial clusters, with a total area of 1,256.08 ha and total registered investment capital of 12,408 billion VND. The People's Committee of Hung Yen Province has directed the functional agencies and the investor of the infrastructure of the industrial zone to carry out the procedures for investment and construction of the technical infrastructure of the industrial zone.

So far, 2 industrial zones of Pham Ngu Lao - Nghia Dan and Minh Khai have completed the detailed construction planning, the basic design of the technical infrastructure construction investment project, and the commencement of construction.

The attention and direction of the Party Committees, authorities, and functional agencies at all levels in the implementation of Resolution No. 07- NQ/TU is an important driving force for Hung Yen Province's industrial production.

In 2021, IIP reached 108.82%; In 2022, IIP hit 110.4%. Several industries and fields have strong development, such as the textile, mechanical, and electronic fields. More products have joined the global product chain. Industry continues to be the largest contributor to production value, bringing the economic growth rate of Hung Yen Province quite high, reaching 12.84% in 2022.

The open and transparent investment and business development environment contributes to enhancing the attractiveness of the province's investment environment, attracting 188 new projects in the 2021-2022 period.

Of which, there were 146 domestic projects and 42 FDI projects with total newly and additionally adjusted investment capital in the period at more than 84 trillion VND and more than 807 million USD, respectively, bringing the total number of investment projects in the province to 2,122 projects.

There are 1,615 domestic projects and 507 FDI projects, with total registered capital of more than 259 trillion VND and more than 6 billion USD.

There are 1,470 projects put into operation, creating jobs for hundreds of thousands of laborers inside and outside the province.

Manufacturing textile products at Tien Hung Garment Joint Stock Company, Tien Lu District, Hung Yen Province
Manufacturing textile products at Tien Hung Garment Joint Stock Company, Tien Lu District, Hung Yen Province

According to Director of Hung Yen Department of Industry and Trade Nguyen Van Tho, Hung Yen Province continues to carry out key tasks and solutions: focusing on attracting investment in priority industries; expeditiously implementing investment projects on synchronous infrastructure of industrial zones and industrial zones which have been planned; implementing investment promotion activities; reviewing and supplementing provincial policies and regulations on investment, investment promotion, investment attraction, and regional linkage mechanism; and especially developing and completing regulations to encourage all economic sectors to invest in the development of technical and social infrastructure, industrial parks, and industrial zones in the province.

In addition, the province will continue to expeditiously implement investment projects on synchronous infrastructure of industrial zones and industrial zones that have been planned; implement investment promotion activities; review and supplement the province's policies and regulations on investment, investment promotion, investment attraction, and regional linkage mechanism; and especially building and completing regulations to encourage investment by all economic sectors.

The province also synchronously and effectively implemented the Project on administrative reform to create a favourable investment environment, improve the provincial competitiveness index (PCI) for the period 2021-2025, and the Project on Digital Transformation of Hung Yen Province in the 2021-2025 period, with a vision to 2030, creating favourable conditions for enterprises to conduct production and business activities and attract investment in the province; accelerating the implementation of digital transformation and e-government; and strengthening meetings and dialogues between authorities at all levels and businesses and investors to promptly grasp and remove difficulties and obstacles in investment, production, and business activities.