Monument honours President Ho Chi Minh and 4th Military Region

A monument dedicated to President Ho Chi Minh and the 4th Military Region was unveiled at the military region’s museum on December 17.

The ceremony to unveil the monument to President Ho Chi Minh and the 4th Military Region (Photo: Pham Bang)
The ceremony to unveil the monument to President Ho Chi Minh and the 4th Military Region (Photo: Pham Bang)

The monument represents the late leader’s special feelings towards the armed forces of the 4th Military Region as well as the respect and gratitude of the 4th Military Region’s officers and soldiers to Uncle Ho.

The structure includes a statue of President Ho Chi Minh and six reliefs of provinces in the military region placed around the campus of the museum.

The 5.1-metre-tall statue is made of bronze and has been placed on a 2.8-metre-tall bluestone.

On the same day, the 4th Military Region also received a certificate recognising the memorial site of President Ho Chi Minh’s visit to the military region in 1957 as a national historical site.

Speaking at the ceremony, Lt Gen Tran Vo Dung, Political commissar of the 4th Military Region, pledged that the military region will always strive for national construction and defence, and the people’s happiness.