Outstanding collectives and individuals receive certificates of merit from Minister of Defence

A conference to review 5 years of implementing the “The Army prevents and combats “peaceful evolution” in the field of ideology and culture in the new situation” Project, was held by the General Department of Politics of the Vietnam People's Army in Hanoi on September 6.
Outstanding collectives and individuals receive certificates of merit from Minister of Defence

The event was chaired by Senior Lieutenant General Trinh Van Quyet, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Standing Member of the Central Military Commission, Director of the General Department of Politics of the Vietnam People's Army and Head of the Central Military Commission's Steering Committee 35.

Speaking at the conference, Senior Lieutenant General Trinh Van Quyet emphasised to promptly meet urgent requirements of reality the above Project was born.

With the results achieved after 5 years of implementing the Project, the awareness and responsibility of Party committees and commanders regarding this task have become increasingly complete. The quality and effectiveness of implementation throughout the army have been increasingly improved, affirming that the Army is the leading force in protecting the Party's ideological foundation, fighting against erroneous and hostile views, and is highly appreciated by the Politburo, the Secretariat, and Central Steering Committee 35, he noted.

At the conference, the organising committee announced the decision and awarded certificates of merit from the Minister of Defence, and certificates of merit from the Director of the General Department of Politics to 100 collectives and 94 individuals for their outstanding achievements in implementing the Project.