Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong - Outstanding theorist of the Party

With infinite sadness and regret, we bid farewell to Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, an exceptionally excellent and talented leader, a great man of culture, a shining moral example, and a great personality, a loyal communist who devoted his whole life to the country and the people.
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. (Photo: Dang Khoa)
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. (Photo: Dang Khoa)

He is also the successor and excellent practitioner of Ho Chi Minh’s Thoughts, ethics, and style. A talented theorist of the Party, and a pioneer in supplementing and perfecting the theoretical system of socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam, raising the level of the political theory of Vietnam in the renewal period.

The constantly flowing enthusiasm for science and political theory

The Study Review (now the Communist Review) is a source of deep inspiration, always full of vitality for comrade Nguyen Phu Trong’s tireless life of study and research. For nearly 30 years working at the Communist Review, going through many different jobs, from being an officer in the Review’s Documentation Department at a young age to becoming Editor-in-Chief, he wrote and edited hundreds of political theoretical articles and research articles, not only through accumulated experience and knowledge but also more than that, with the passion and sense of responsibility of a talented scientist and journalist.

For more than eight years, he was Vice Chairman and Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council, in charge of the Party’s theoretical work and later as General Secretary, and head of our Party, Professor, Dr Nguyen Phu Trong still devoted enthusiasm to the Party’s theoretical research and practical review activities.

The works and articles by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong are always at the height of political theory and strategic thinking. His simple image, humble style, profound knowledge and astute intelligence are typical of the qualities and wisdom of a great intellectual, always gaining the trust, love and admiration of the scientific community, both at home and abroad. Though he has gone, the works, projects, articles, and speeches he left behind are for the entire Party, the entire people, the entire army, the Vietnamese scientific community and the treasure of knowledge of humanity, will forever be a priceless asset, accompanying the country’s development and lasting with the nation.

Theory must have foresight

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong always emphasised the importance of innovation and creativity in theoretical work. There must be a smooth connection between theoretical research and practical summary, and between theoretical research, practical summary and policy orientation, so that theory truly carries the breath of real life, lights the way, guides practice and is a solid basis for policy planning.

The comrade criticised: “The root cause of the disease of subjectivity is poor reasoning, disregard for theory and empty reasoning; the cause of dogmatism is being out of touch with reality and not closely following it.”

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong speaks at the National Cultural Conference. (Photo: Dang Khoa)

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong speaks at the National Cultural Conference. (Photo: Dang Khoa)

He advised the Central Theoretical Council: “It is impossible to prolong the backwardness of theory compared to the movement and demands of practice. Theory must rise to lead the way and accompany practice.”

To successfully combine theoretical research with practical summarising, the General Secretary set out two important dialectical principles: staying steadfast and renovating, inheriting and developing. We should remain steadfast in Marxism-Leninism and the Ho Chi Minh Ideology, and the goal of national independence and socialism. This is an important and fundamental matter, vital to the regime, and no one is to be swayed. At the same time, we must inherit the appropriate development fruits of reality. The ideologies, viewpoints and guidelines have been implemented in practice and demonstrated to be right by reality.

We need to selectively acquire and supplement the latest achievements in ideology and science, with a critical eye and in a creative spirit, so that our doctrine is always fresh and given new vitality, bearing the breath of the time and does not become outdated with reality.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

Of course, we do not stay steadfast and inherit mechanically and arbitrarily, but steadfastness must always go hand in hand with reform, and reform must stick to principles, reform is carried out for the sake of development, not hurriedly and taken to extremes.

Therefore, he required that “We need to selectively acquire and supplement the latest achievements in ideology and science, with a critical eye and in a creative spirit, so that our doctrine is always fresh and given new vitality, bearing the breath of the time and does not become outdated with reality.”

Pioneering in supplementing and perfecting theory on the reform path

Having been working for the cause of building Vietnam’s political theory during the reform period, at the last meeting with the Central Theoretical Council, the Party leader said “In 2025, based on summarising 40 years of reform and 50 years of national reunification, we need to perfect the theoretical system on the reform path. In 2030, based on summarising 40 years of the implementation of the Platform on national construction during the transition period towards socialism and 100 years of the Party’s leadership of the Vietnamese revolution, we can supplement and develop the Platform to meet the requirements of a new period, supplementing, enriching and making steps in further perfecting the Party’s theoretical foundation. In 2045 when Vietnam becomes a developed country with high income, we will have a complete, scientific and modern theoretical system on socialism and Vietnam’s path towards socialism.”

Despite his declining health in recent years, the General Secretary still devoted much time, effort and intellect to the Party’s theoretical work. While preparing to formulate draft documents for the 14th National Party Congress, he noted “What are the new issues for the upcoming tenure? Perhaps we need to summarise 40 years of reform to make a thorough analysis of the country’s achievements, potential, position and international reputation. This is perhaps the foundation and motivation to give inspiration and bring pride to the entire Party, people and armed forces concerning the enormous and historic achievements of the reform cause, so that our people can have firm confidence in the Party’s right and creative viewpoints and guidelines on socialism and that our path towards socialism is appropriate with the country’s reality and the development trend of the time?

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong speaks at the Preliminary Conference, on reviewing one year of activities of the Provincial Steering Committee for Prevention and Control of Corruption and Negative Phenomena. (Photo: Dang Khoa)

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong speaks at the Preliminary Conference, on reviewing one year of activities of the Provincial Steering Committee for Prevention and Control of Corruption and Negative Phenomena. (Photo: Dang Khoa)

Concluding and summarising scientifically, objectively and comprehensively about the cause of building socialism in Vietnam, he pointed out: This is a great creative cause, full of challenges and difficulties, but it is also the glorious path that the Vietnamese Party, beloved President Ho Chi Minh and the Vietnamese people have chosen. Because, only socialism can ensure "a society in which development is truly for humans, not for exploitation and dehumanisation for the sake of profit"; "economic development accompanied by social progress and equality, not an increase in the gap between the rich and the poor or greater social inequity"; "a society of compassion, solidarity and mutual assistance toward progressive and humanistic values, not unfair competition where “the weak are meat, and the strong do eat” to satisfy the selfish interest of a few individuals and cliques"; "sustainable development in harmony with nature to secure a clean living environment for present and future generations, instead of unlimited exploitation and possession of resources, unrestrained consumption and destruction of the environment"; "a political system where power truly belongs to the people, is enforced by the people and serves the people, not merely in the interest of the wealthy few". This is also the wish of our beloved Uncle Ho and the entire Vietnamese people.

From the practice of nearly 40 years of implementing the Doi Moi (Renewal) process and 30 years of implementing the Platform for National Construction, during the transitional period to socialism, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong paid great attention to and directly oversaw the addition and completion of theory on Vietnam's Doi Moi (Renewal) policy, as a prominent new point in the 14th National Party Congress documents. He suggested that it must be a profound and comprehensive theoretical system on the normative issues of building and developing the country and protecting the Vietnamese Fatherland in the Doi Moi (Renewal) period; it is necessary to crystallise the wisdom of the entire Party, people and army of Vietnam, based on steadfastly, applying and creatively developing Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought, inheriting the traditional values of the nation, continuing to collect the quintessence of human thought.

The theory of the Doi Moi (Renewal) path must demonstrate the Party's strategic vision, scientific, revolutionary and innovative thinking on socialism and the path towards socialism in Vietnam; perfecting Vietnam's development model with outstanding characteristics of stability associated with innovation, rapid and sustainable development, people-centred, based on three pillars of building socialist democracy, a law-governed socialist State, and a socialist-oriented market economy; synchronous innovation in the fields of politics, economics, culture, society, environment, defence, security, foreign affairs; continuing to master and handle large, dialectical relationships well; and about the factor “The will of the Party, the heart of the people”, which is decisive for the success of the cause of building and developing the country and protecting the Fatherland.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong attends the conference to review the Central Theoretical Council for 2016-2021. (Photo: VNA)

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong attends the conference to review the Central Theoretical Council for 2016-2021. (Photo: VNA)

Guiding ideas at the theoretical level

Throughout his life of constantly exploring, researching, and worrying about theoretical and practical issues, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong brings together the qualities and talents of an especially excellent politician of great culture and a learned scientist. Thirty-five books collect his articles, speeches, and research projects, that have crystallised the wisdom of the entire Party, demonstrate the theoretical height, strategic thinking, leadership and direction of our Party leader, on the core and most important issues of building and developing the country and protecting the Fatherland, in the renewal period.

Discussing broad, difficult, and complex theoretical issues, but with a simple presentation, expressed straightforwardly and distilled from practical life, with the viewpoint of the people being the roots and the subject and centre of the renewal process as a consistent ‘red thread’, each work of the General Secretary possesses special persuasiveness and inspiration, and strong influence among cadres, Party members, and the people. The works have also been admired and highly appreciated by numerous international friends. He truly is a theorist for the people and lives in their hearts.

From lively practical experience, he has significantly contributed to summarising, supplementing, and deeply analysing 10 major relationships that reflect the dialectical laws of the country's renewal, integration, and development process that must be handled well. These are the relationships among stability, renewal, and development; between economic renewal and political renewal; between adhering to market laws and ensuring socialist orientation; between developing productive forces and gradually building and perfecting socialist production relations; among the state, the market, and society; between economic growth and cultural development, social progress and fairness maintenance, and environmental protection; between building and safeguarding the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; between independence, self-reliance, and international integration; between the Party leadership, state management, and people’s mastery; and between practising democracy and strengthening the rule of law and ensuring social order and discipline.

Regarding the economy, he affirmed that introducing the concept of a socialist-oriented market economy is a fundamental and creative theoretical breakthrough of the Party. It is a complete, modern, and integrated market economy that centres on people, for people, and by people, fully promoting their role as masters and achieving progress and social justice in every step and every development policy.

Deeply absorbing President Ho Chi Minh's ideology that "Culture must light the way for the nation" and that it is important to build the socialist Vietnamese people, he, along with our Party, has made wise decisions on revitalising culture, building comprehensively developed Vietnamese people, so that culture and people truly become a resource, intrinsic strength, and important driving force for the country’s rapid and sustainable development.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s book titled “Resolutely, Persistently Fighting Corruption and Other Negative Phenomena to Contribute to Building a More Transparent and Stronger Party and State”.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s book titled “Resolutely, Persistently Fighting Corruption and Other Negative Phenomena to Contribute to Building a More Transparent and Stronger Party and State”.

Inheriting the good traditional values of the nation in the history of national construction and defence, he, along with our Party, has summarised and elevated new thinking about safeguarding the Fatherland early and from afar, and defending the country before it is at risk; promoting the pioneering role of comprehensive diplomacy; and focusing on building the firm postures of people's determination, all-people national defence and people's security. The army and police are the two wings of a bird and must be a sharp sword and sturdy shield of the regime. From the very important initiatives and orientations of the General Secretary, our Party has continuously perfected and promoted a unique school of diplomacy and foreign affairs, bearing the character of "Vietnamese bamboo", with strong roots, stout trunk, and flexible branches, demonstrating the character of the Vietnamese nation: to be mellow and skilful, but tenacious and ardent; to be flexible and creative, but bold, tenacious and unyielding against all odds. As a result, the country has achieved great accomplishments and historic turning points in foreign affairs in recent years.

Over the past three terms, the General Secretary has left an outstanding mark in building and rectifying the Party and building a clean, strong and comprehensive political system. He is also known for drastically promoting the prevention of corruption, “self-evolution” and “self-transformation”, according to the motto of “no forbidden zones, no exceptions”, which has been recognised and supported by Party members, officials and people. His profound statements and instructions have touched the hearts and promoted actions of officials, Party members and people, which stated that Party building is a key task, and relying on the people to build the Party and personnel work is even more important. In addition, those who do not dare to fight against corruption should stand aside and let others do it, as people without integrity or purity cannot lead others, and honour is the most noble and sacred thing.

An excellent successor to the “people-nurturing” cause of great President Ho Chi Minh

Speaking at the 70th anniversary of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong recalled Uncle Ho’s teachings: “Cadres are the root of all works, therefore, cadre training is the key work of the Party.” The Party chief said nurturing officials is an investment for long-term and sustainable development. It is also necessary to attach special importance to educating and improving political bravery, ideological stance, revolutionary ethics and behaviour standards for officials. His advice has become a guideline for the training and nurturing of cadres and officials of the Party, in the new situation.

The top leader of the Party is always concerned about how to build qualified, capable, and prestigious officials, on par with their tasks and how to encourage officials to dare to think, dare to innovate and dare to take responsibility to bring about breakthroughs in the national renewal and development process. He also noted that the deeper the reform process, the more complex theoretical and practical problems appear. Therefore, it is necessary to build qualified political theorists to deal with these issues in the new period.

By living a noble, simple, and pure life, with exemplary revolutionary ethics, diligence, integrity, impartiality, and deep concern for comrades, compatriots and friends, the General Secretary has converged the most beautiful and noble values of Vietnam’s political culture. He is a great personality, a blend of leader, theorist and culture, as well as an exemplary teacher and a shining example for officials, Party members and people, to follow.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong passed away, but his legacies, humanistic thoughts and pure ethics are still alive with us forever. They are a great source of encouragement for us to move forward on the path of building socialism, a great cause that the Party, Uncle Ho and the Vietnamese people have chosen for a prosperous, democratic, civilised, and happy Vietnam, on par with other powers in the five continents.