Art programme praises glorious and silent contributions of Vietnamese cryptographic force

An art programme entitled “Silent Glory 2024” was held in Hanoi on the evening of September 6 to honour the glorious and silent contributions of the Vietnamese cryptographic force.
An art performance at the programme
An art performance at the programme

The programme, directed by the Government Cryptography Committee, and hosted by Information Security Magazine, in coordination with the Military Radio and Television Centre, aimed to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam People's Army (December 22, 1944 - 2024), the 35th anniversary of the National Defence Day (December 22, 1989 - 2024), and the 79th anniversary of the Traditional Day of the Vietnamese Cryptographic Sector (September 12, 1945 - 2024).

In his opening speech, Major General Nguyen Huu Hung, Deputy Head of the Government Cryptography Committee said that in the historic autumn 79 years ago, on September 2, 1945, President Ho Chi Minh read the Declaration of Independence, giving birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.

In the early days of the young government, the task of protecting the secret content of leadership and direction information of the Party, State, and armed forces, became an extremely important and urgent requirement, he said, adding that to meet that requirement, on September 12, 1945, the Military Cryptography Department - the predecessor of the Vietnamese Cryptography sector - was established at the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army.

He noted, that the officers, staff and soldiers of the key force through the periods have strived, made continuous contributions, excellently completed all assigned tasks, made silent but glorious achievements, and made important contributions to the cause of national liberation, building and defending the Fatherland.