PM urges improvements to administrative reform in support of people and enterprises

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has just promulgated Dispatch No. 644/CD-TTg requesting ministries, sectors and localities to strengthen their sense of responsibility and improve administrative procedure reform to quickly remove difficulties for both people and businesses.
A large number of administrative procedures can now be conducted online or through the one-stop-shop mechanism (Illustrative image)
A large number of administrative procedures can now be conducted online or through the one-stop-shop mechanism (Illustrative image)

In recent years, the Government has issued many documents directing the reform of administrative procedures associated with national digital transformation, thereby helping reduce and simplify many administrative procedures.

A large number of administrative procedures can now be conducted online or through the one-stop-shop mechanism, contributing to reducing costs and time for people and enterprises as well as promoting socio-economic development.

However, the reform of administrative procedures in a number of ministries, sectors and localities remains ineffective. Policy response to practical requirements is still slow while administrative procedures in some areas still present barriers to production and business activities, especially regarding import-export enterprises.

Therefore, the Prime Minister requested ministers, heads of Government agencies, and chairmen of People’s Committees of provinces and cities to only promulgate and maintain necessary administrative procedures with low compliance costs but also improve these drastically.

The government leader also asked for the timely and accurate updating of administrative procedures on the National Database of Administrative Procedures in order to strictly control the issuance and implementation of administrative procedures.

The implementation of administrative procedures must be renewed according to the one-stop-shop mechanism and via the electronic environment while the connection and sharing of data between information systems, national databases, and public service portals must be promoted.

Procedures related to citizenship papers must be simplified and completed in September 2023.

In particular, the PM asked for the immediate review and removal of administrative procedures that present barriers to production and business activities as well as people’s lives.

It is also necessary to thoroughly handle the recommendations of people and businesses on administrative procedures in order to have timely response policies.

The government leader urged effective review and simplification of internal administrative procedures in the state administrative system in the 2022-2025 period in order to reduce and simplify at least 20% of internal administrative procedures and cut compliance costs by at least 20%.

He also emphasised the importance of ensuring resources for administrative procedure reform with a focus on human resources.

Ministers of Industry and Trade, Transport, Planning and Investment, Home Affairs, Finance, and Natural Resources and Environment should speed up their reviews and submit these to the Prime Minister to reduce and simplify 59 groups of internal administrative procedures by August 2023.

The Minister of Justice is requested to implement the tasks in Government Directive No. 23/CT-TTg dated July 9, 2023 on accelerating the reform of administrative procedures regarding the issuance of judicial record cards.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Finance should urgently complete and report to the Prime Minister on the promulgation of a decree on the quality and safety inspection of imported goods.

Ministers, heads of government agencies, and chairmen of People's Committees of provinces and cities should strictly implement this dispatch and send periodical reports to the Government Office before the 20th of every month.