Preserving, nurturing and developing the Vietnam-Laos special solidarity to a new height

On the occasion of the State visit to Vietnam by General Secretary and President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith from September 10-13, Deputy Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations Nguyen Minh Tam wrote an article on the outstanding achievements in the Vietnam-Laos relationship in recent times.
Deputy Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations Nguyen Minh Tam held talks with the delegation of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party's Central External Relations Commission led by Valaxay Lengsavad, Deputy Head of the Commission on July 16, 2024.
Deputy Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations Nguyen Minh Tam held talks with the delegation of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party's Central External Relations Commission led by Valaxay Lengsavad, Deputy Head of the Commission on July 16, 2024.

Vietnam and Laos are two neighbouring countries with mountains and rivers connected by a strip of land, drinking the same water from the Mekong River, a history and culture closely linked together for generations. The Communist Party of Vietnam and the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party have the same origin as the Indochinese Communist Party. The people of the two countries have stood shoulder to shoulder, “sharing the sweet and the bitter” in the struggle against the common enemy for national independence in the past and in the cause of protecting, building and developing the country today.

The Vietnam-Laos relationship, founded by the great President Ho Chi Minh, President Kaysone Phomvihane and President Souphanouvong, and cultivated by generations of leaders of the two Parties, two States and peoples, has become a symbol of international solidarity, a priceless common asset of the two peoples, an objective necessity, historical law and the greatest source of strength of the two countries, a foundation for the two countries to promote and pass on to future generations. The visit to Vietnam by General Secretary and President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith is the second visit since the beginning of the 11th Congress of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (January 2021) following the State visit of To Lam in his capacity as President (July 2024). This is a vivid demonstration of the fine and deep feelings of the great friendship, special solidarity, closeness, loyalty and purity between the two Parties, two States and peoples of Vietnam and Laos.

The visit was carried out in the context of the two Parties and two countries vigorously implementing the Resolutions of each Party and actively preparing for Party Congresses at all levels, towards the National Congress of each Party. The Vietnam-Laos relationship is developing very well and has achieved many important accomplishments. The visit is one of the important milestones in the history of the relationship between the two countries, contributing to promoting the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos to a new height, increasingly going into depth, effectiveness and practicality, bringing prosperity to the people of each country.

The visit to Vietnam by General Secretary and President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith is the second visit since the beginning of the term of the 11th Congress of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (January 2021) to date and immediately after the State visit of To Lam in his capacity as President (July 2024) is a vivid demonstration, expressing the good feelings, deep friendship, special solidarity, closeness, loyalty and purity between the two Parties, two States and people of Vietnam and Laos.

It can be seen that, under the leadership and direction of the two Parties, the Politburo and the Secretariat, the Government and the National Assembly, the Party committees, ministries and branches of the Government, agencies of the National Assembly, the Fatherland Front, political organisations, localities and enterprises of the two countries have proactively coordinated and actively implemented the Agreement between the high-ranking leaders of the two Parties, the Vietnam-Laos Cooperation Agreements; the Agreement on the Cooperation Plan between the two Governments, the Cooperation Agreements between ministries, branches and localities and have achieved many outstanding results in various fields, contributing significantly to maintaining political stability, socio-economic development, ensuring national defense and security in each country; continue to consolidate and enhance the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos in depth, practically and effectively, while strengthening the position of the two Parties and two countries, actively contributing to peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world.

Accordingly, the political relationship has continued to be strengthened and increasingly deepened, closely linked, and trusted, playing a core role and overall orientation in the relationship between the two countries. The two sides always affirm that the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos is a priceless common asset of the two Parties and two peoples, an objective necessity, a historical law and the greatest source of strength of the two countries, which needs to be preserved, promoted and passed on to future generations.

The two sides continued to ensure security and maintain peaceful borders, social order and safety in each country. Close cooperation in preventing and combating “peaceful evolution”, “violent overthrow”, and transnational crimes, especially drug-related crimes. Coordinate the search, recovery and repatriation of the remains of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts in Laos who died during the war.

Foreign relations continued to be maintained and strengthened, coordinating with Cambodia to implement the results of the Meeting between the three leaders of the three Parties; the Agreement between the three Prime Ministers on the Development Triangle; the Joint Statement between the three Chairmen of the National Assembly of Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam; actively implementing the plan to connect the three CLV economies until 2030.

Effectively coordinating and implementing the consultation and information exchange mechanism between the two Central External Relations Commissions of the two Parties, the two Ministries of Foreign Affairs and other foreign affairs agencies and strengthening timely information exchange, consultation, close coordination, and effective mutual support at international and regional forums, especially within the framework of ASEAN cooperation, ASEAN-led mechanisms, Mekong Sub-region cooperation mechanisms, the United Nations, ASEM, CLV, CLMV and ACMES, contributing to maintaining peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world.

Vietnam has been closely coordinating and supporting Laos in materials, equipment and experience to help Laos successfully assume the role of ASEAN Chair and AIPA Chair in 2024. At the United Nations, the two countries maintain close coordination and mutual support on many issues of mutual concern.

In addition, the two sides have continued to coordinate to effectively implement the Protocol on Border Lines and Border Markers and the Agreement on Border Management Regulations and Border Gates on Land between Vietnam and Laos. Effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens and legal entities in each country, the Agreement on Overseas Vietnamese and Consulates between the two countries, creates favourable conditions for Vietnamese people in Laos and Lao people in Vietnam to live, work and study in each other's territory following the laws of each country and international practices. Complete the issuance of civil status for people who migrate freely and marry out of wedlock in the border areas of the two countries and have completed the agreement.

Economic, trade and investment cooperation has been promoted and achieved remarkable results. The two sides actively implemented the Agreement on the Vietnam-Laos Cooperation Strategy for the 2021-2030 period and the Vietnam-Laos Cooperation Agreement for the 2021-2025 period; Agreements between the two Governments and Cooperation Agreements at the 46th Session of the Intergovernmental Committee; Strengthening guidance, inspection, supervision, timely exchange of information to remove difficulties and obstacles to find new directions to promote cooperation in economic fields; continuing to sign cooperation documents, creating a synchronous legal corridor to promote cooperation. The two sides have coordinated to exchange experiences in macroeconomic management.

Regarding Vietnam's investment in Laos, up to now, Vietnam has 256 investment projects in Laos with a total investment capital of more than 5.5 billion USD, and the accumulated realised capital to date has reached 2.8 billion USD. In the first 7 months of 2024, 6 new projects were licensed with an investment capital of 36.7 million USD, an increase of 39% over the same period in 2023. Many Vietnamese investment projects have operated effectively, contributing positively to socio-economic development, creating jobs and increasing income for thousands of workers, supplementing revenue for the Lao budget, especially in telecommunications, banking, rubber planting and processing, food production and processing, and milk. The two sides have completed and handed over 4 projects to the Lao side for exploitation and use.

Regarding trade, both sides continue to pay attention to promoting, many documents have been signed contributing to perfecting the legal framework on trade, such as the new bilateral trade agreement, the border trade agreement and the Protocol amending the Vietnam-Laos goods transit agreement; proactively and actively implementing signed documents, strengthening trade promotion measures, creating conditions for sustainable development of bilateral trade. Vietnam-Laos trade turnover in 2023 reached 1.6 billion USD, in the first 8 months of 2024, the trade turnover of the two countries reached about 1.3 billion USD.

Regarding traffic and transportation, the two sides have continued to focus on implementing the Memorandum of Understanding between the two Governments on the Strategy for cooperation in the field of transport for the period 2016-2025, with a vision to 2030, continuing to promote the search for capital sources to implement key projects.

In the field of electricity, the two sides have continued to actively implement the Memorandum of Understanding between the two Governments on the development of hydropower projects in Laos and trade between the two countries, according to which Vietnam will import about 3,000 MW of electricity from Laos by 2025 and 5,000 MW by 2030.

Regarding agriculture, forestry and rural development, the two sides agreed to consider cooperation in this field very important, thereby enhancing the exchange of technology and technical transfer and building models for agricultural and rural development, poverty reduction, improving institutional capacity and policies in the management of agricultural, forestry, fishery and irrigation production. The two sides continued to effectively support rural development in key areas of Laos, completing the construction of agricultural technical service centres and coordinating the management and protection of forests and natural resources, preventing illegal trade and transportation of timber and forest products and wildlife across the border.

Cooperation in culture, education training and human resource development has received attention, ensuring quality and efficiency. The two sides have actively implemented the Project to improve the quality and effectiveness of Vietnam-Laos cooperation in the 2021-2030 period and the Protocol on Vietnam-Laos training cooperation in the 2022-2027 period. Vietnam currently provides Laos with more than 1,000 scholarships each year and to date, more than 14,000 Lao students are studying at more than 170 educational institutions in Vietnam. The two sides have well-organised cultural and artistic programs in each country.

The cooperative relationship and mutual assistance between departments, ministries, branches, agencies of the National Assembly, the Fatherland Front, organisations and localities continue to be promoted and become more substantial. The two sides have exchanged delegations and experiences in Party building and socio-economic development, ensuring security and defence, and mutual assistance between localities, especially those with shared borders, which continue to be expanded.

People-to-people diplomacy activities have been regularly paid attention to by the two countries, and many cultural, artistic, physical education and sports exchanges have been organised, contributing to enhancing understanding between the people of the two countries and deepening the relationship.

In the coming years, Vietnam's consistent policy is to give top priority to developing cooperative relations with Laos in depth, effectively and sustainably, considering this a strategic task and a top concern in foreign policy, clearly defining that helping a friend is helping oneself. The two sides continue to strengthen close coordination in terms of guidelines and strategic policies, create increasing trust and help each other to strengthen the building of a strong revolutionary force in all aspects, first of all, building the Party and cadres as the leading factor determining the leadership role of each Party, which is a solid political foundation to effectively promote the comprehensive cooperation relationship between Vietnam and Laos. Strengthen the leadership, unified direction and close, synchronous coordination between all levels and sectors in implementing cooperative relations with Laos in all fields; affirm that: (i) Political relations play a core and guiding role in the overall relationship with Laos; (ii) People-to-people friendship is a solid social foundation; (iii) Cooperation in defence, security and foreign affairs plays a pivotal role; (iv) Cooperation in economics, trade and investment is a long-term foundation; (v) Cooperation in culture, education and training is a strategic issue.

Entering a new phase, it is forecasted that the world and regional situation will continue to evolve rapidly and complicatedly. To ensure the successful implementation of the renovation process in each country and the Resolution of the National Congress of each Party, the two sides continue to affirm the importance and strategic significance of the special solidarity relationship in the new situation. Based on consistency in the principles agreed upon by the two Parties, the two sides agree to further promote the comprehensive cooperation relationship between Vietnam and Laos based on promoting the spirit of independence, self-reliance and the will to self-reliance, equal cooperation for mutual benefit, and adequately combining the special nature of the Vietnam-Laos relationship with international practices.

It can be seen that, with the important results achieved in recent times, promoting the long-standing historical tradition of the two nations, imbued with the thoughts of President Ho Chi Minh and the wishes of President Kaysone Phomvihane, together with the efforts of the two Parties, two countries and peoples of the two countries, we firmly believe that the visit of General Secretary and President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith will continue to bring the Vietnam-Laos relationship to new heights, for the practical interests of the people of each country, for peace, stability and development in the region and the world.