President presents appointment decisions to ambassadors, heads of representative agencies abroad

President Vo Van Thuong on January 9 handed over appointment decisions to 26 ambassadors and heads of Vietnamese representative agencies abroad for 2024-2027, and assigned tasks to them.
At the ceremony (Photo: VNA)
At the ceremony (Photo: VNA)

Speaking at the hand-over ceremony, the State leader asked the diplomats to follow instructions of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the 32nd National Diplomatic Conference last December to fulfill their tasks.

He also asked them to carry forward significant achievements the diplomatic sector made in 2023, reminding them of both opportunities and challenges ahead.

The President emphasised the importance of the 2024-2027 tenure to implementing resolutions adopted at the 13th National Party Congress and urged the ambassadors and representative agency chiefs to keep a close watch on the situation at home and in host countries to provide consultations for the Party and the State in building foreign policies and enhancing external relations.

Foreign relations should serve economic development, he said, highlighting cultural diplomacy should be prioritised as it plays a crucial role in promoting the image of Vietnamese land and people.