Project promotes Hanoi – Vientiane friendship

Politburo member, Secretary of the municipal Party Committee and Head of the National Assembly deputies’ delegation of Hanoi, Dinh Tien Dung, attended a ceremony to inaugurate and hand over the headquarters of the Department of Justice and the People's Procuracy of the Lao capital city of Vientiane on March 12.
Secretary of Hanoi Municipal Party Committee Dinh Tien Dung and Secretary of the Party Committee of Vientiane Anouphap Tounalom at the inauguration ceremony. (Photo:
Secretary of Hanoi Municipal Party Committee Dinh Tien Dung and Secretary of the Party Committee of Vientiane Anouphap Tounalom at the inauguration ceremony. (Photo:

In the Memorandum of Understanding on the cooperation between Hanoi and Vientiane during the 2022- 2025 period, Hanoi officially recorded assistance of 3 million USD to construct the headquarters of the Department of Justice and the People's Procuracy of Vientiane.

The project includes three modern building blocks, covering an area of 2.5 hectares, including two 3-storey building blocks, serving as offices for two agencies of Vientiane and a common hall.

Secretary of Hanoi Municipal Party Committee Dinh Tien Dung speaks at the handover ceremony. (Photo:

Secretary of Hanoi Municipal Party Committee Dinh Tien Dung speaks at the handover ceremony. (Photo:

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee, Dinh Tien Dung, emphasised that as two close neighbours, Vietnam and Laos have a close connection throughout the long history of the cause of national construction and defence.

“We are proud of the exemplary, pure and faithful relationship between the two Parties, States and people of Vietnam and Laos. This has truly become a priceless asset, a unique relationship in world history”, said Hanoi Party’s leader Dinh Tien Dung.

Leaders of Hanoi and Vientiane cut the ribbon to inaugurate and hand over the headquarters. (Photo:

Leaders of Hanoi and Vientiane cut the ribbon to inaugurate and hand over the headquarters. (Photo:

The Hanoi Party’s leader affirmed that the inauguration of the headquarters of the Department of Justice and the People's Procuracy of Vientiane is a project of profound political significance, demonstrating a special friendship and cooperation relationship between Vietnam and Laos, and is an important content in the cooperation agreement between the Party Committees and governments of the two capitals for the 2022-2025 period.

It is also one of the practical and typical projects to contribute to perfecting facilities to serve the building of a modern administrative system for Vientiane in particular and Laos in general.

He expressed his belief that officials and civil servants who enjoy the achievements of cooperation between the two countries will actively participate and cultivate a brighter future for the special friendship and solidarity between Vietnam and Laos.

Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Anouphap Tounalom speaks at the ceremony. (Photo:
Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Anouphap Tounalom speaks at the ceremony. (Photo:

On behalf of the Party Committee, government and people of Vientiane, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Anouphap Tounalom, gave his sincere thanks to the Party Committee, government and people of Hanoi for supporting Vientiane to implement the practical and meaningful project.