Vietnam and Russia boost procuracy cooperation

Prosecutor General of the Supreme People’s Procuracy Le Minh Tri held talks with his Russian counterpart Igor Krasnov in Moscow, Russia on June 14.
An overview of the talks (Photo: Thanh The)
An overview of the talks (Photo: Thanh The)

Speaking at the working session, Prosecutor General of the Supreme People’s Procuracy Le Minh Tri affirmed that Vietnam always pays great attention to the traditional friendship and comprehensive strategic partnership with Russia, defining the country as one of the leading partners in its external policy.

He underlined that Vietnam always remembers the priceless support that the former Soviet Union and Russia today have provided to Vietnam during the past struggle for independence and current national construction and development.

The Vietnamese Prosecutor General thanked the Procuracy of the Russian Federation for assisting Vietnam in personnel training, expressing his hope that the Russian side will create favourable conditions for Vietnamese students and the Vietnamese community to settle down in the nation.

He proposed that Vietnam and Russia should strengthen the exchange of experience in criminal combatting amid the complicated cybercrime situation.

For his part, Krasnov said that his country always values ties with Vietnam. He spoke highly of the outcomes of bilateral cooperation in the field of procuracy. He affirmed that Russia is always willing to share experience with Vietnam in criminal prevention and control, and pledged that Russia will support Vietnamese students in the country.

On the occasion, the two sides signed a new cooperation agreement to create a foundation for the further development of partnership between the two procuracy sectors in a practical and effective manner.