‘Action Month for Children’ supports about 1 million children

More than 100 billion VND (4.2 million USD) was mobilised during the ‘Action Month for Children 2023’, to support approximately 1 million children across the country.
Deputy Minister Nguyen Thi Ha gives gifts to children at Thuy An Rehabilitation Centre for People with Disabilities in Hanoi's Ba Vi District. (Photo: Molisa)
Deputy Minister Nguyen Thi Ha gives gifts to children at Thuy An Rehabilitation Centre for People with Disabilities in Hanoi's Ba Vi District. (Photo: Molisa)

The information was released by the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs at a conference held on July 10, to review the results of the ‘Action Month for Children 2023’.

Deputy Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Nguyen Thi Ha appreciated the interest of officials, organisations and benefactors, in the implementation of activities during the action month.

The National Fund For Vietnamese Children also spent over 20 billion VND (845,200 USD) to provide support to about 17,800 disadvantaged children during the action month.

Ha emphasised that action month delivers the message of listening to children with all our hearts and protecting them with actions, to minimize harm to them and ensure their rights, so that children can live in the safest and healthiest environment for all-round development.