Children’s books by European authors introduced to Vietnamese readers

Four children’s books by European authors have been released in Vietnamese by the Kim Dong Publishing House on the occasion of the European Literature Days and the International Children’s Day. 
Children’s books by European authors introduced to Vietnamese readers (Photo: Kim Dong Publishing House)
Children’s books by European authors introduced to Vietnamese readers (Photo: Kim Dong Publishing House)

The first book in the series is ‘Chien Dich Giai Cuu Nhung Vi Sao’, originally ‘Les étoiles qui meurent dans le ciel’ in French or ‘The Stars Are Dying in The Sky’ in English, by French author Benjamin Lesage.

The over-200-page novel tells the story of Jacques, who is passionate about the stars and the passing of time, and his journey to search for a way to stop time.

Like a 21st-century Jules Verne, Benjamin Lesage shapes a singular scientific universe full of poetry and humour.

The second book is ‘Sinh Vat Ki La O Me-He-He-He’ (Thing from MéHéHéHé), originally La Chose du MéHéHéHé in French, written by Sigrid Baffert and illustrated by Jeanne Macaigne.

A story creates poetic world of a place far away in the ocean where three octopuses found a strange creature in their living area.

‘Cuoc Gap Tinh Yeu’ (Dante in Love) by Italian writer Giuseppe Conte is the third book in the recently-released collection. It is a ghost story starring Dante Alighieri, a celebrated Italian poet, writer, and philosopher. In the book, the Eternal Father has made Dante come down from Paradise to Florence to pay for his excessive love for poetry and earthly beauty.

The last book is ‘Cau Be Bong Bong’ (Bubble) by UK writer Stewart Foster. Bubble is the touching story of 11-year-old Joe, who has never had a life outside of the hospital, with its beeping machines and the risk of his few visitors bringing life-threatening germs.

‘Bubble’ explores how Joe spends his days, copes with his loneliness and frustration, and looks—with superhero-style bravery, curiosity, and hope—to a future without limits.