Da Nang fosters communications cooperation with China

Secretary of the Party Committee of the central city of Da Nang Nguyen Van Quang hosted a reception on September 22 for a visiting Chinese delegation led by Sun Yeli, Deputy Director of the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee.
At the meeting
At the meeting

Underlining the need for the press and media sectors of the two countries to work more closely together to popularise the friendship between Vietnam and China, Quang hoped that Sun will continue to pay great attention to strengthening communication cooperation between the two nations.

For his part, Sun expressed his impression at the socio-economic development of Da Nang, and spoke highly of the city leaders’ vision.

He noted that Chinese media channels have signed media cooperation and information coordination agreements with their Vietnamese counterparts, including press and media agencies in Da Nang.

Both the CPC and the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) follow the socialist orientation in order to bring happiness to the people, he said, noting that China and Vietnam have enjoyed sustainable and stable socio-economic development.

Communications activities on the building of the Party and State should be modernised to meet the demand of the reality, said the Chinese official, who suggested the need for press and media agencies of the two countries to increase exchanges and experience sharing and cooperation to enhance efficiency.

At the meeting, Quang and Sun shared experience and good practices in information and communications activities.

They agreed on the necessary to guide the information flows, ensuring that all people access positive information, creating favourable conditions for social development.

The two sides affirmed that the common goal of socialist-oriented countries is to work towards the interests of the people and make people's lives better and better.