Fatherland Front moves to prepare for general election

The Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee held a national teleconference on January 22 to provide instructions on handling affairs relating to the election of deputies to the 15th National Assembly (NA) and all-level People’s Councils for the 2021-2026 tenure.

President of the VFF Central Committee Tran Thanh Man speaks at the conference. (Photo: VNA)
President of the VFF Central Committee Tran Thanh Man speaks at the conference. (Photo: VNA)

Addressing more than 8,500 delegates nationwide via videoconference, President of the VFF Central Committee Tran Thanh Man said the election, slated for May 23, is a way to demonstrate the people’s will, aspirations, and right to mastery in the building of the State, including the NA and all-level People’s Councils - the people’s representative bodies and organs of State power from the central to local levels.

It is an important political event in the country, following the 13th National Party Congress and associated with personnel work, he went on, adding that it will be an occasion for voters to exercise their rights and obligations to elect outstanding and deserving persons to the organs of State power.

Vice President of the VFF Central Committee Truong Thi Ngoc Anh said the Party, State, and the VFF have issued 17 direction documents relating to the general election, based on which central and provincial VFF committees have built detailed plans to handle election-related affairs, especially negotiations to select and nominate candidates for the election.

The selection and nomination of candidates must be placed under the Party’s comprehensive leadership, ensure democracy, and bring into play the role of religious dignitaries and exemplars and leaders of communities, Anh said.

Man stressed that preparing for the election is currently the most important task of the VFF from the central to local levels, asking VFF committees at all levels to promote communications and supervision during this peak period.

In addition, they also need to press on with performing other tasks, including coordinating with VFF member organisations in the COVID-19 fight and caring for disadvantaged families as the Lunar New Year holiday approaches, the official noted.