Fireworks dances light up Da Nang sky

The Da Nang International Fireworks Festival (DIFF) 2024 themed “Made in Unity - Global Connection - Radiant Five Continents” was officially opened in Da Nang City on the evening of June 8.
A performance by Vietnam team
A performance by Vietnam team

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Da Nang City Le Trung Chinh said the festival delivers a message about the connection between peoples, countries, and the harmony between people and nature towards a peaceful, civilissed and prosperous world.

DIFF 2024 saw the participation of eight teams from France, Italy, the US, Germany, Poland, China, Finland, and Vietnam. The teams will compete over five nights until July 13.

After the opening ceremony was the performances by Vietnam and France teams with the theme “Made of Unique Culture”.

The host Vietnam entertains audience with “The Dance of the Sky”

The host Vietnam entertains audience with “The Dance of the Sky”

The Vietnam team featured a firework display themed “The Dance of the Sky” in 21 minutes while the France team brought the “Dance of Dragons” to the festival.

A performance by France team

A performance by France team

The second night entitled “Made of Natural Wisdom” by teams of the US and Italy will take place on June 15.

The France team conveys a message of strength, power and human connection.

The France team conveys a message of strength, power and human connection.