Green logistics is a mandatory requirement for enterprises: Official

Green logistics is not only a trend but a mandatory requirement for enterprises, said Nguyen Quang Vinh, Vice President of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI).
Delegates at the event.
Delegates at the event.

Vinh made the statement on July 9, at a workshop held on green logistics and the announcement of the FIATA World Congress 2025.

He noted that green growth and sustainable development are an inevitable and irreversible global trend.

The Vietnamese government has assigned relevant ministries and agencies to develop green logistics, including green logistics centres and ports.

The VCCI official affirms that green logistics is now a mandatory requirement for all activities from procuring materials to manufacturing products, distribution, delivery and waste treatment.

In the coming time, the VCCI will work with relevant agencies, to make corporate social investment (CSI) criteria one of the standards to be applied widely throughout the business community.

According to the VCCI, the government should introduce more incentive policies to encourage enterprises, especially small and medium-sized ones, to work towards green logistics.

For their part, enterprises need to promptly revise their strategies following the green and sustainable development orientation.