Igniting vitality and multiplying the strength of the great national unity bloc

The 10th National Congress of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) for the 2024-2029 term officially opened on October 17 with the motto of “Solidarity- Democracy - Innovation - Creativity – Development”.
The first working session of the VFF’s 10th National Congress on October 16. (Photo: DUY LINH – QUANG VINH)
The first working session of the VFF’s 10th National Congress on October 16. (Photo: DUY LINH – QUANG VINH)

The Congress takes place at a meaningful time as the entire Party, people, and military continue to achieve significant outcomes in implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress, while approaching the 95th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Vietnam National Unified Front..

The 13th National Party Congress reaffirmed that great national unity is a strategic policy of the Vietnamese revolution and a vital driving force in the country’s construction and defence.

In recent years, despite the complex and unpredictable global and regional situation, and the domestic difficulties and challenges, especially the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the people's living standards have been continuously improved. The spirit of patriotism and national pride has been strongly awakened, maintaining the strength of the great national unity bloc. The people's close ties and trust in the Party and State have been consistently strengthened and reinforced.

With the great achievements after nearly 40 years of Doi Moi (Renewal), the country's position and power have been continuously elevated, gathering all the necessary elements to enter a new era. The people have even more confidence in the sound and wise leadership of the Party, as well as the State’s determination to embrace innovation in the management and governance.

Upholding the role of a political alliance and voluntary union, the VFF has actively gathered and motivated all classes of people to participate in realising socio-economic development goals, building new rural areas and civilised urban areas, and ensuring social welfare and sustainable poverty reduction. At the same time, it has promoted democracy, represented and protected the legitimate rights and interests of the people, supervised and provided social criticism, and participated in building the Party and government, thus injecting new vitality into the great national unity bloc.

During the past term, to contribute to the successful implementation of the 13th National Party Congress Resolution, the VFF Central Committee and its member organisations have made continuous efforts to innovate the content and methods of operation. Campaigns and movements have been carried out with a focused approach, sparking the spirit of creativity, hard work, and unity across the community, bringing practical and sustainable results.

Amid the unprecedented and complex developments of the COVID-19 pandemic, the VFF closely coordinated with various agencies, organisations, and localities to launch, call for, and mobilise people, ethnic groups, and religious communities at home and abroad to unite in the fight against the pandemic, thereby contributing to the nation's efforts in controlling and overcoming the consequences of the pandemic, and gradually recovering and developing the socio-economic landscape.

Furthermore, the social supervision and criticism activities, the participation in building the Party and State, and the people-to-people diplomacy of the VFF have yielded positive results, deepening the VFF's role as a political core and its responsibility in building the great national unity bloc.

As a result, the overall strength of the entire political system has been enhanced, and the effectiveness of the large-scale patriotic emulation movements and campaigns has been raised with many models that attract and unite individuals from various ethnic groups, religious communities, intellectuals, and the overseas Vietnamese community, contributing alongside the Party, people, and military towards the successful realisation of socio-economic development goals, ensuring national defence and security, and building and firmly defending the socialist Vietnamese nation.

Looking back at the 2019-2024 term, it can be seen that there were still some limitations and challenges in the VFF's operation. The contents and methods in mobilising and strengthening the great national unity bloc have not yet fully met the requirements. Some good models and creative approaches have been expanded slowly and have not kept pace with the rapidly changing demands of society, especially during the development of a socialist-oriented market economy and international integration. At times, the monitoring of public sentiment has been reactive.

In some cases that sparked public discontent, the VFF and its member organisations have not clearly demonstrated their role in reflecting, advising, and addressing the issues. The capacity to mobilise resources for poverty reduction has been limited in some areas, with insufficient measures to accompany and help people in achieving sustainable poverty alleviation.

The VFF's social supervision and criticism activities have not fully met practical requirements, sometimes showing hesitancy or even avoidance of difficult issues. The capacity and qualifications of some VFF cadres and organisations at certain levels remain limited, with individual cases of misconduct by VFF officials being disciplined.

For the 2024-2029 term, the VFF committees at all levels need to strongly innovate its organisational structure as well as contents and methods of operation, towards further deepening its role as a political alliance and voluntary union, representing the will, aspirations, and legitimate rights and interests of the people, with a focus on grassroots levels and communities. In all activities, the VFF committees at all levels must thoroughly grasp the principle that "the people are the root" in order to identify key and focused priorities before implementation and avoid a scattered approach, especially in tasks that stem from the Party's and people's aspirations.

Additionally, it is necessary to strongly ignite the people’s creativity and trust in the Party, so that they unite around the Party, accompany the VFF, and strengthen the great national unity bloc. To achieve this, the VFF must focus on improving the capacity and reputation of its cadres from the central to grassroots levels, creating conditions to build key cadres who are competent, exemplary, responsible, courageous, and dedicated to the cause of national unity.

Taking place at a critical historical moment for the country's renewal and development, the 10th National Congress of the VFF for the 2024-2029 term is a crucial foundation for the VFF at all levels to join forces with the Party and State in promoting the strength of the great national unity bloc, overcoming all difficulties and challenges, and contributing to the successful realisation of socio-economic development goals, building and defending the country in the new context while striving towards the aspiration for a prosperous Vietnam.