In Pictures: NA Standing Committee convenes 27th session

The National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee convened its 27th session in Hanoi on October 11 to discuss and decide on issues within its authority. NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue chaired and delivered a speech to open the session.
As planned, the 27th session of the NA Standing Committee is taking place from October 11-27.
As planned, the 27th session of the NA Standing Committee is taking place from October 11-27.
The NA Standing Committee will give opinions on the results of monitoring the handling of voters’ opinions and recommendations sent to the session; the results of citizen reception work and handling of complaints and petitions in 2023; the people's volunteer work in September; the preparation for conducting a vote of confidence, on officials holding positions elected or approved by the NA during the 6th session of the 15th NA.

The NA Standing Committee will give opinions on the results of monitoring the handling of voters’ opinions and recommendations sent to the session; the results of citizen reception work and handling of complaints and petitions in 2023; the people's volunteer work in September; the preparation for conducting a vote of confidence, on officials holding positions elected or approved by the NA during the 6th session of the 15th NA.

Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan, along with leaders of ministries, agencies and other delegates, attend the session.

Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan, along with leaders of ministries, agencies and other delegates, attend the session.

Secretary General and Chairman of the NA Office Bui Van Cuong speaks at the session.

Secretary General and Chairman of the NA Office Bui Van Cuong speaks at the session.

NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue delivers an opening speech at the session.

NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue delivers an opening speech at the session.

The top legislator noted that based on a comprehensive review of the preparation and contents submitted to the NA and after receiving comments from the NA deputies and delegations, the NA Standing Committee will give final comments on the contents of the sixth session before it is submitted to the NA.

The top legislator noted that based on a comprehensive review of the preparation and contents submitted to the NA and after receiving comments from the NA deputies and delegations, the NA Standing Committee will give final comments on the contents of the sixth session before it is submitted to the NA.

NA Vice Chairman Tran Quang Phuong moderates the discussion to give opinions on the report on the handling of voters’ opinions and recommendations.

NA Vice Chairman Tran Quang Phuong moderates the discussion to give opinions on the report on the handling of voters’ opinions and recommendations.

Head of the People’s Volunteer Department under the NA Standing Committee Duong Thanh Binh presents reports at the meeting.

Head of the People’s Volunteer Department under the NA Standing Committee Duong Thanh Binh presents reports at the meeting.

Chairman of the NA Committee on Legal Affairs Hoang Thanh Tung speaks at the session.

Chairman of the NA Committee on Legal Affairs Hoang Thanh Tung speaks at the session.

Chairman of the NA's Committee for National Defence and Security Le Tan Toi presents a speech at the event.

Chairman of the NA's Committee for National Defence and Security Le Tan Toi presents a speech at the event.