Injured war veterans make practical contributions to homeland’s development

Despite experiencing many hardships during wartime, many wounded soldiers in Tien Giang province have promoted the image of Uncle Ho's army, establishing themselves as examples for their descendants to follow while actively making practical contributions to homeland’s development.
War veteran Nguyen Van Son at his dragon fruit garden.
War veteran Nguyen Van Son at his dragon fruit garden.

Wounded soldiers play an active role in life after war

Wounded soldier Nguyen Van Son, from Thanh Binh commune, Cho Gao district could not forget the arduous but glorious fighting days during war time.

He recalled that he joined the army at the age of 20. He was enlisted in the 868th Division, stationed in Dong Tam, Chau Thanh district (Tien Giang). During his four-year serving the army, Son was injured many times, with the most serious injury happened in 1987 when his left hand and the fingertips of his right hand were left in the battlefield.

Leaving the bloody wartime behind, wounded soldier Nguyen Van Son returned to normal life with his left elbow amputation, the fingertips of right hand were lost, injured left eye, and many injuries on his body.

However, Son never felt discouraged. He told himself that others even lost their legs and suffered more than him. “I still have one eye, two legs, and a part of my hands, how could I surrender to fate?"

Then Son opened a small grocery store at home, then every day cycled to the markets in My Tho to buy goods.

His optimism and strong determination helped him win the heart of Duong Thi Ngoc Phuong, a young woman in My Tinh An commune, Cho Gao district.

After getting married, the couple worked hard to raise pigs and cows, and bought land to grow dragon fruit. Currently, Son is living in a spacious house and has more than 0.8 hectares of land for growing red dragon fruit.

Wounded soldier Tran Thi Loan

Wounded soldier Tran Thi Loan

Meanwhile, born in a family with a rich revolutionary tradition, Tran Thi Loan, born in 1950 in My Phong commune, My Tho city joined revolutionary activities at very young age. In 1967, she was enlisted to the Rangers, stationed in Tan My Chanh commune, My Tho city, during which she was assigned to deliver mail and goods.

In a battle in 1970, she was hit in the right eye by a piece of a detonator. After a period of treatment, her eyes became blurred, but she continued to participate in the revolution.

After national liberation, she worked at the Food Office of My Tho city, during which she was exposed to bran dust, making her right eye totally blind.

After retirement due to health condition, she continued to raise pigs and grow pineapples, in order to earn money so her four children could fully receive an education.

Aged more than 70 years, Loan still rides motorbikes to Phuoc Lap commune, Tan Phuoc district to cultivate 3 hectares of pineapples. This job generates a stable enough income for her to live on her own without financial support from her children.

Like Son and Loan, other wounded soldiers in Tien Giang province have actively embraced war injuries and joined social activities and the building of rural areas in the locality.

Due attention made to care for national contributors

Tien Giang province is home to more than 126,000 certified fallen soldiers, Vietnamese Heroic Mothers, wounded soldiers and policy beneficiaries.

According to Director of the provincial Department of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs Ly Van Cam, the department has made regular payment of preferential allowances for national contributors and their relatives on time.

Gifts presented to a Vietnamese heroic mother in Thanh Binh commune, Cho Gao district, Tien Giang province (Photo:

Gifts presented to a Vietnamese heroic mother in Thanh Binh commune, Cho Gao district, Tien Giang province (Photo:

Every year, the provincial authorities spends over 10 billion VND to build new houses and repair the degraded houses of national contributors, present savings books and gifts to Vietnamese Heroic Mothers, seriously wounded soldiers, and children of fallen soldiers to pay gratitude for their services to national liberation and reunification.

Tien Giang provincial authorities issued Resolution No. 28/2021/NQ-HDND dated December 8, 2021 to regulate financial funding for the building and repairing of houses for national contributors.

Under the resolutions, 325 new houses worth 60 million VND each have been built, and 884 houses have been repaired with an investment of 40 million VND each.

In addition, every year on public holidays and Tet (lunar New Year festival), the local authorities also allocate budgets to present gifts worth from 200,000 VND to 1 million VND each to revolutionary contributors in the province.

Due attention has also been given to care for lonely wounded soldiers and those living with serious injuries or in extremely difficult circumstances.