NA Chairman congratulates reelected Iranian parliament speaker

National Assembly (NA) Chairman Tran Thanh Man has sent a congratulatory letter to Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf on his re-election as the Speaker of the Islamic Republic of Iran's 12th Parliament.
National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man (Photo: VNA)
National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man (Photo: VNA)

In the letter, the top legislator expressed his joy that the friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Iran in general and between the two parliaments in particular have continuously been strengthened and grown robustly. He said a visit to Vietnam by the speaker of the Iranian Parliament in 2018 and a visit to Iran by the chairperson of the Vietnamese NA in 2023 have brought new impetus to the the ties.

Man said he is confident that in the time to come, with the support of Speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, the two parliaments’ collaboration will be further promoted, contributing to the extensive development of the Vietnam-Iran cooperation for the sake of the two peoples.