Women-led enterprises currently account for 25% of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Vietnam, contributing to generating a significant amount of jobs and stable incomes for workers.
The signing of the cooperation agreement is within the framework of a project entitled “Women in Trade for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth” conducted by TFO Canada and funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) in 24 developing nations, including Vietnam.
Accordingly, during the 2021-2024 period. TFO Canada will coordinate with VIETRADE to assist Vietnamese trade promotion organisations and women-led SMEs in the fields of food processing and apparel accessories.
This goal will be realised via intensive training courses on sustainable orientations regarding environment, gender equality, digital marketing and e-commerce, and trade promotion skills, etc.
In addition, Vietnamese firms are expected to be invited to fairs and expos in promising markets, or to join online stalls at international expos.