Public Security Minister pays tribute to President Ho Chi Minh at Kim Lien relic site

A delegation of the Central Public Security Party Committee (CPSPC), led by General To Lam, who is also a Politburo member, the Secretary of the CPSPC, and the Minister of Public Security, paid tribute to President Ho Chi Minh at the Kim Lien special national relic site in Nam Dan District, in the central province of Nghe An, on May 12, on the occasion of the 134th birthday anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh (May 19, 1890-2024).
The delegates pay tribute to President Ho Chi Minh at the Kim Lien relic site.
The delegates pay tribute to President Ho Chi Minh at the Kim Lien relic site.

General To Lam and other members of the delegation expressed their respect and gratitude to the great leader of the Vietnamese Communist Party and people.

The delegates offer incense at the Uncle Ho Memorial House.

The delegates offer incense at the Uncle Ho Memorial House.

During his lifetime, President Ho Chi Minh always gave special attention to the Public Security forces.

Over the years, officers and soldiers of the People’s Public Security have always studied and followed President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality, and style to fulfil all assigned tasks.

In the sacred moment commemorating President Ho Chi Minh’s birthday anniversary, General To Lam and the delegates vowed to forever study and follow his ideology, morality, and lifestyle.

The delegation also offered incense and laid wreath at Chung Son Temple, which is dedicated to President Ho Chi Minh’s ancestors.

On the same day, Minister To Lam and the delegation visited and presented gifts to heroic Vietnamese Mothers, 16 people with meritorious services and policy beneficiary families, and 20 communal polices who are living in particularly difficult circumstances.

General To Lam presents gifts to heroic Vietnamese Mothers.

General To Lam presents gifts to heroic Vietnamese Mothers.

General To Lam presents gifts to policy beneficiaries.

General To Lam presents gifts to policy beneficiaries.

General To Lam encourages local people who are being treated Public Security doctors in Nam Dan District.

General To Lam encourages local people who are being treated Public Security doctors in Nam Dan District.

On the occasion, doctors and nurses from the August 19 Hospital and the Traditional Medicine Hospital of the Ministry of Public Security coordinated with local units to provide free medical examination, treatment, and medicine to policy beneficiary families and poor households in Nam Dan District.