Special art performance highlights Da Nang - Daegu friendship

A special art performance highlighting the friendship between Da Nang City and Daegu City from the Republic of Korea was held at Nguyen Hien Dinh Tuong Theatre in the central Vietnamese city of Da Nang on June 27.
An art performance at the programme
An art performance at the programme

Da Nang and Daegu have recorded nearly 20 years of close friendship (October 21, 2004 - 2024) and the two cities also upgraded their twinned relationship in August 3, 2018.

The event aimed to enhance exchanges and promote culture between the two cities, with culture as the foundation.

An art performance at the programme

An art performance at the programme

The programme featured many unique performances including traditional and modern music performed by Vietnamese and Korean artists and actors.

Within the framework the programme, an art exhibition featuring the fine friendship between the two cities is scheduled to open at APEC Park in Da Nang on June 28.