Vietnam treasures comprehensive strategic partnership with Japan: Party official

Vietnam attaches importance to and wishes to further solidify the Vietnam-Japan comprehensive strategic partnership, said Politburo member Le Minh Hung.
Le Minh Hung (right), Poliburo member, Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee, Chairman of the Party Central Committee’s Organisation Commission, and Chairman of the Vietnam-Japan Parliamentary Friendship Group, meets with Special Advisor to the Japan-Vietnam Parliamentary Friendship Alliance Takebe Tsutomu in Hanoi on September 20. (Photo: VNA)
Le Minh Hung (right), Poliburo member, Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee, Chairman of the Party Central Committee’s Organisation Commission, and Chairman of the Vietnam-Japan Parliamentary Friendship Group, meets with Special Advisor to the Japan-Vietnam Parliamentary Friendship Alliance Takebe Tsutomu in Hanoi on September 20. (Photo: VNA)

Hung, Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee, Chairman of the Party Central Committee’s Organisation Commission, and Chairman of the Vietnam-Japan Parliamentary Friendship Group (VJPFG), made the statement at a reception for Special Advisor to the Japan-Vietnam Parliamentary Friendship Alliance (JCPFA) Takebe Tsutomu in Hanoi on September 20.

Takebe offered his deep sympathy for the Vietnamese people over the losses from Typhoon Yagi.

He shared about the Vietnam Japan University (VJU) project and voiced his hope that this project will become a symbol of the two countries’ friendship and cooperation, helping enhance the amity between their peoples, especially the young, and foster multifaceted ties, including in politics, economy, and the training of high-quality human resources for not only Vietnam or Asia but also the whole world.

As Special Advisor to the JCPFA, Takebe noted he hopes the parliamentary friendship alliance and the VJPFG will increase exchanges and collaboration to substantially contribute to the development of their countries’ ties.

For his part, Hung thanked the Japanese Government and people for their timely donation of supplies to help with post-typhoon recovery.

Noting with satisfaction the flourishing bilateral connections, he said the phone talks between Party General Secretary and State President To Lam and President of the Liberal Democratic Party and Prime Minister of Japan Kishida Fumio on September 3 obtained results important to strongly fostering bilateral relations in the coming time.

The host appreciated Takebe’s considerable contributions and sentiment towards Vietnam as well as the Vietnam-Japan links. He expressed his belief that the VJU project will help develop high-quality human resources.

He asked the alliance and the group to keep close collaboration to help promote the Vietnam-Japan relations to a new height.