This is the first time Vietnamese Ao dai have been introduced in Russia by the talented and well-known designer Minh Hanh, who is deeply attached to the Ao dai and the traditional materials of the nation.
The talk received the attention of Russian teachers and students studying Vietnamese at the MGLU and several other universities, as well as Vietnamese students and representatives of the Association of Vietnamese in Russia.
Designer Hanh talked about the development of Ao dai from the beginning of the 19th century until present times.

Designer Minh Hanh talked about the development of Ao dai from the beginning of the 19th century until present times.
The typical versions of Ao dai throughout history, from the Le Pho Ao dai in 1930, Le Mur Ao dai in 1930, the Ao dai of the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s and 1990s to the Ao dai of the 21st century and the Ao dai of the future, were introduced at the talk.
Ao dai with various style, materials, patterns, and colours of the designer Minh Hanh were modeled by the Russian students. Among them are Ao dai designed with Russian images such as the Kremlin and St. Basil's Cathedral.
According to Elena Zubtsova, an associate professor of the MGLU, the talk by designer Minh Hanh was a wonderful opportunity for Russian people to understand more about the Ao dai of Vietnam.