Vietnam's imprint at L’Humanité Festival 2023

Introducing Vietnam’s booth organised by Nhan Dan Newspaper at the 2023 L’Humanité Newspaper Festival on September 16, Editor-in-Chief of L'Humanité Newspaper Fabien Gay affirmed that Vietnam’s imprint is very important and increasingly prominent in the festival of French and international communists and working people.
The books and publications about President Ho Chi Minh, the Communist Party of Vietnam, and the cause of innovation and international integration, are displayed at the festival.
The books and publications about President Ho Chi Minh, the Communist Party of Vietnam, and the cause of innovation and international integration, are displayed at the festival.

Introducing Vietnam’s booth organised by Nhan Dan Newspaper at the 2023 L’Humanité Newspaper Festival on September 16, Editor-in-Chief of L'Humanité Newspaper Fabien Gay affirmed that Vietnam’s imprint is very important and increasingly prominent in the festival of French and international communists and working people.

Nhan Dan Newspaper’s delegation, led by Editor-in-Chief Le Quoc Minh, attended activities and organised a booth at the 88th L’Humanité Newspaper Festival in the city of Plessis-Pâté, in the southern suburbs of Paris, France, from September 15-17.

This was the biggest festival of French communists in September, attracting the participation of a large number working class people in France as well as friends from many countries around the world.

Speaking at the event, Member of the Party Central Committee (PCC) and Editor-in-Chief of Nhan Dan Newspaper Le Quoc Minh, who is also Deputy Head of the PCC’s Commission for Communications and Education and Chairman of the Vietnam Journalists Association, appreciated the values of the festival that have been uphold through many generations. The event not only aimed to promote the traditions of the French communists and working people but also demonstrated the spirit of international friendship and solidarity for peace.

Editor-in-Chief Le Quoc Minh expresses his deep impression of the vibrant and joyful atmosphere at L’Humanité Festival and affirms that Nhan Dan Newspaper always values its participation in this annual event of French friends to introduce the Party, land, and people of Vietnam to French and international friends.

Editor-in-Chief Le Quoc Minh expresses his deep impression of the vibrant and joyful atmosphere at L’Humanité Festival and affirms that Nhan Dan Newspaper always values its participation in this annual event of French friends to introduce the Party, land, and people of Vietnam to French and international friends.

Editor-in-Chief Le Quoc Minh said Nhan Dan Newspaper, like previous years, organised a solemn booth at the L’Humanité Festival to introduce Vietnam's outstanding achievements on the path of development and international integration, with effective support and cooperation from friends in France and around the world.

According to Editor-in-Chief Le Quoc Minh, the festival offered a chance for Nhan Dan Newspaper to learn from experience expand the Spring Press Festival in Vietnam with many diverse and rich activities, thereby promoting the propaganda of the guidelines and policies of the Party and State among the people, especially younger generations.

On the occasion, Editor-in-Chief Le Quoc Minh gave sincere thanks to French and international friends for their sentiments and valuable support to Vietnamese people in the past and present.

Editor-in-Chief of the L’Humanité Newspaper Fabien Gay expresses his hope that younger generations will maintain and promote the close ties between the two Parties and people as well as actively contribute to international solidarity for peace and social progress. Former Politburo member of the French Communist Party Denis Rondepierre, Lao Ambassador to France Kham-Inh Khitchadeth, and representatives from French-Vietnamese associations also attend the festival.

Editor-in-Chief of the L’Humanité Newspaper Fabien Gay expresses his hope that younger generations will maintain and promote the close ties between the two Parties and people as well as actively contribute to international solidarity for peace and social progress. Former Politburo member of the French Communist Party Denis Rondepierre, Lao Ambassador to France Kham-Inh Khitchadeth, and representatives from French-Vietnamese associations also attend the festival.

Editor-in-Chief of the L’Humanité Newspaper Fabien Gay highly valued the companionship of the Communist Party of Vietnam, through the representative of Nhan Dan Newspaper, for each edition of the festival, demonstrating the solidarity, attachment, and loyalty between the communists and people of Vietnam and France.

He stressed that Vietnam’s exhibition space has been becoming more and more diverse and leaving important marks in the hearts of French and international friends.

He wished to share experiences with Nhan Dan Newspaper in journalistic activities as well as the organisation of press festivals to further enhance the role of the Party newspaper.

Editor-in-Chief Le Quoc Minh presents a picture entitled “Uncle Ho reading Nhan Dan Newspaper” to Editor-in-Chief Fabien Gay and expresses his hope that the friendship between the French and Vietnamese communists as well as the cooperation between two Party Newspapers will increasingly develop.

Editor-in-Chief Le Quoc Minh presents a picture entitled “Uncle Ho reading Nhan Dan Newspaper” to Editor-in-Chief Fabien Gay and expresses his hope that the friendship between the French and Vietnamese communists as well as the cooperation between two Party Newspapers will increasingly develop.

Vietnamese Ambassador to France Dinh Toan Thang highlights the significance of the activities at the booth organised by Nhan Dan Newspaper, contributing to promoting Vietnam and enhancing exchanges with international friends.

Vietnamese Ambassador to France Dinh Toan Thang highlights the significance of the activities at the booth organised by Nhan Dan Newspaper, contributing to promoting Vietnam and enhancing exchanges with international friends.

Noting the solidarity, friendship, and cooperation between the two countries, Vietnamese Ambassador to France Dinh Toan Thang said this year's L'Humanité Festival took place on a special occasion, as the two countries celebrate their 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties, 10th anniversary of strategic partnership, and 50th anniversary of the Paris Agreement on ending the war and restoring peace in Vietnam. Historical milestones marked the precious sentiments and support of communists as well as peace-loving friends in France for Vietnamese people's struggle to regain independence and national unification.

Editor-in-Chief Le Quoc Minh introduces innovations of Nhan Dan Newspaper publications to French friends.

Editor-in-Chief Le Quoc Minh introduces innovations of Nhan Dan Newspaper publications to French friends.

Talking to Editor-in-Chief Le Quoc Minh, Honorary President of the France-Vietnam Friendship Association Hélène Luc says that every year she looks forward to the festival to meet Vietnamese friends.

Talking to Editor-in-Chief Le Quoc Minh, Honorary President of the France-Vietnam Friendship Association Hélène Luc says that every year she looks forward to the festival to meet Vietnamese friends.

During the three-day festival, a wide variety of meetings, seminars, forums, and exchanges on current issues in France, Europe and the world were held with the participation of many experts and politicians. In addition, there were also many cultural exchange activities among many countries around the world.

The activities at Nhan Dan Newspaper’s booth featured the participation of Vietnamese representative agencies in France, overseas Vietnamese, and students, introducing the developments of Vietnam in many fields to French and international friends.

Editor-in-Chief Le Quoc Minh and Ambassador Dinh Toan Thang visit the booth of Laos.

Editor-in-Chief Le Quoc Minh and Ambassador Dinh Toan Thang visit the booth of Laos.

L’Humanité Newspaper Festival is an annual political and cultural event that attracts the participation of thousands of visitors from all over France and many countries around the world every day.

L’Humanité Newspaper Festival is an annual political and cultural event that attracts the participation of thousands of visitors from all over France and many countries around the world every day.