Young Vietnamese, Cambodian border guard officers meet

The Vietnam Border Guard High Command held a talk between young Vietnamese and Cambodian border guard officers in the southern province of Kien Giang on November 22-23, as part of their first exchange.
Deputy Political Commissar of the Vietnam Border Guard High Command Col. Nguyen Quoc Cuong speaks at the event (Photo:
Deputy Political Commissar of the Vietnam Border Guard High Command Col. Nguyen Quoc Cuong speaks at the event (Photo:

The event was also meant to celebrate the 55th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties and the Vietnam-Cambodia Friendship Year 2022.

Deputy Political Commissar of the Vietnam Border Guard High Command Col. Nguyen Quoc Cuong said over the past 55 years, the two Parties, States and peoples have offered mutual support to gain national independence and foster stability and development in each country.

Lieut. Gen Tien Sophonrnvong from Cambodia hailed the two countries’ young border guard officers as a core and important force to realise cooperation contents between the Vietnam Border Guard High Command and Army Command of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces.

Notably, they actively engaged in exchanges between border guard commands of Vietnamese provinces and military sub-region and border guard battalions of adjacent provinces of Cambodia. Both sides shared information to fight illegal entries as well as offered timely material and spiritual support during the pandemic.

At the event, participants heard reports on coordinatioin performing the task of managing and protecting territorial sovereignty, national border security; and building a borderline of peace, friendship, cooperation and development; results and experiences of young officers in a programme to help children attend schools, and awareness about Vietnam-Cambodia. They also shared expertise in areas under their watch and suggested several cooperation contents.

On November 23 morning, they joined a tree planting activity and presented a friendship garden to Linh Huynh border guard station in Kien Giang. In the afternoon, they played in a friendly volleyball match.