Da Nang: Naval soldiers hold exchange with Overseas Vietnamese youths

An exchange programme was held between officers and soldiers of Naval Region 3 and Overseas Vietnamese youths in Da Nang City on July 30.
Naval soldiers hold exchange with Overseas Vietnamese youths
Naval soldiers hold exchange with Overseas Vietnamese youths

During the event, more than 60 Vietnamese youths who are living and studying abroad explored the training activities of officers and soldiers of Naval Region 3.

At the event, the young delegates presented Naval Region 3 with 500 national flags and delivered 40 gifts worth a total of more than 55 million VND to children of disadvantaged soldiers of the Naval Region 3.

The event took place within the framework of activities in the 2024 summer camp for young Overseas Vietnamese and Ho Chi Minh City youths.

Themed ‘Proud of Vietnam’, the summer camp aims to enhance the young expats’ understanding of Vietnamese history and culture, the country’s seas and islands, as well as the contributions of officers and soldiers in protecting the nation’s sovereignty.