Da Nang places importance on strengthening ties with Lao localities

Da Nang places importance on strengthening cooperation with Lao localities, said Secretary of the municipal Party Committee Nguyen Van Quang at an August 30 reception for Lao Consul General to the central city Souphanh Hadaoheuang.
Secretary of the Da Nang Party Committee Nguyen Van Quang (R) and Lao Consul General to the central city Souphanh Hadaoheuang at their meeting on August 30. (Photo: VNA)
Secretary of the Da Nang Party Committee Nguyen Van Quang (R) and Lao Consul General to the central city Souphanh Hadaoheuang at their meeting on August 30. (Photo: VNA)

Highlighting the special, sustainable, and increasingly developing relationship between the two countries, Quang expressed his belief that the Lao diplomat will promote its bridging role for collaboration across various domains.

The Lao Consul General, who came to deliver congratulations on Vietnam’s 78th Nation Day (September 2), assessed that over the past decades, under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the country has achieved significant results in socioeconomic development. The Vietnam-Laos relations have been increasingly strengthened. Given the context, Da Nang has undergone distinct transformations, particularly in terms of economic development, living standards, smart city building, and digital transformation.

So far, Da Nang has signed 35 agreements and memoranda of understanding with seven Lao localities, namely the capital Vientiane and Xaynhabuly, Savannakhet, Champasak, Sekong, Salavan, and Attapeu provinces.

Under a memorandum of understanding on human resources training cooperation signed with Laos in 2020, the city commits to annually admit and sponsor tuition and living expenses for around 100-120 Lao students pursuing various majors and training programmes at the University of Da Nang. Currently, the number of students with such scholarships is 279.

From 2019, Da Nang has allocated an annual budget of 2 billion VND through the municipal Military Command to support Laos’ Salavan province in medical equipment and materials for COVID-19 prevention and humanitarian aid, among other areas.