Hanoi ceremony marks 50 years of Vietnam - Singapore diplomatic ties

A ceremony was held in Hanoi on August 1 to mark the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam - Singapore diplomatic relationship (August 1, 1973 - 2023) and the 10th anniversary of their strategic partnership.
Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan addresses the ceremony in Hanoi on August 1. (Photo: VNA)
Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan addresses the ceremony in Hanoi on August 1. (Photo: VNA)

The event was organised by the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO), the Vietnam - Singapore Friendship Association, and the Singaporean Embassy in Vietnam.

On behalf of the Vietnamese Party, State and people, Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan offered congratulations to the Singaporean Government and people on the anniversaries.

She noted that over the last 50 years, especially since the elevation of bilateral ties to the strategic partnership level in 2013, relations between the two countries have been developing strongly, dynamically, and substantively as seen in all-level mutual visits and meetings; economy, trade and investment; education; and people-to-people exchanges.

Vietnam always keeps in mind and appreciates the practical assistance of international friends during trying times, she said, adding that Singapore was one of the first ASEAN countries to donate medical supplies to Vietnam amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The two countries’ relations provide a success model in both bilateral and multilateral aspects, as well as in the region and the world. Sincere and trustworthy political ties have created a prerequisite for extensive, substantive, and fruitful cooperation in multiple fields, the Vice President emphasised.

Xuan expressed her belief that basing on the solid foundation built up over half a century, with the strong determination of both countries’ leaders, people and businesses, the Vietnam-Singapore strategic partnership will keep flourishing in the coming time to benefit the two peoples, help build a united, resilient and strong ASEAN Community, and contribute to regional and global peace, cooperation and development.

In his remarks, Singaporean Ambassador to Vietnam Jaya Ratnam said a highlight of bilateral relations is the strong mutual trust and respect, nurtured through frequent meetings at all levels.

He held that with the solid foundation created by the two countries’ leaders and people, their relations will grow even more in the future.

For her part, VUFO President Ambassador Nguyen Phuong Nga underlined the importance of people-to-people exchanges to the Vietnam - Singapore connections.

She affirmed that VUFO and the Vietnam - Singapore Friendship Association have been fulfilling their bridging role in linking the two sides and coordinating with Singaporean partners and people’s organisations to effectively carry out the signed agreements and strengthen people-to-people ties, thereby helping to further enhance the bilateral friendship, cooperation, and strategic partnership.