NA Chairman hails contributions of outgoing French Ambassador to Vietnam

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue commended outgoing French Ambassador to Vietnam Nicolas Warnery for his contributions to bilateral cooperation activities while receiving the diplomat in Hanoi on July 24.
NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue (R) and French Ambassador to Vietnam Nicolas Warnery. (Photo: NDO)
NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue (R) and French Ambassador to Vietnam Nicolas Warnery. (Photo: NDO)

Chairman Hue thanked France and the European community for offering timely support to Vietnam in the fight against COVID-19, especially in vaccine supply.

Vietnam wants to continue consolidating and strengthening the bilateral strategic partnership through all channels, including the Party, State, parliament, and people-to-people exchanges, he said.

He expected that France would continue further fostering economic, trade, investment and tourism cooperation with Vietnam. Both sides should continue working closely together to expedite the construction, completion, and early operation of the Nhon-Hanoi Station metro line; as well as step up the renovation of Long Bien bridge into a pedestrian bridge in Hanoi, he added.

As the approval of the Vietnam-EU Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) and the removal of the "yellow card" warning against Vietnam's aquatic products are urgent matters, the NA Chairman suggested the European Union (EU), the European Parliament, and the parliaments of member countries promptly work towards resolving these two issues, contributing to reinforcing cooperation between Vietnam and the EU as a whole, and between Vietnam and France in particular.

On the occasion, Chairman Hue reiterated his invitation to the French Senate and National Assembly to send a delegation to the 9th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians in Vietnam in September.

NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue presents a souvenir to French Ambassador Nicolas Warnery. (Photo: NDO)

NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue presents a souvenir to French Ambassador Nicolas Warnery. (Photo: NDO)

Warnery, for his part, said as planned, a number of activities will be held in the central province of Thua Thien-Hue in December to celebrate the 50th founding anniversary of diplomatic ties. Between now and the year’s end, various activities related to economic and research cooperation will also be scheduled.

He expressed his delight at recent joint work to realise the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP), adding that the France-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group in the French Senate will visit Vietnam in the near future in order to nurture collaboration between the two countries’ parliamentary friendship groups and learn about Vietnam and its people.