New heatwave hits northern and central regions on July 26

A new heatwave will begin to hit the Northern, North Central, and Central regions in the next few days, with temperatures reaching up to 37 degrees Celsius, according to the National Hydrometeorological Forecast Centre.
New heatwave hits northern and central regions on July 26

The lowest relative humidity commonly ranging from 50-55%. The heat wave will last from 11am to 5pm.

It has been forecast that the heat wave will end in the North on July 28, while it will continue in the North Central and Central regions.

Due to the effects of intense heat combined with low humidity, there is an increased risk of fires and other accidents in residential areas as demand for electricity spikes, as well as an increased risk of forest fires.

The heatwave may cause health issues.

In addition, in the afternoon and night of July 26, the Central Highlands and the Southern will have scattered showers and thunderstorms, with some places experiencing heavy rainfall of 10-30mm, with some places experiencing more than 70mm.

During thunderstorms, there is a possibility of tornadoes, lightning, hail, and strong gusts of wind.

Localised heavy rain can cause flash floods along small rivers and streams, landslides on steep slopes, and flooding in low-lying areas.