Opportunities and challenges of using AI in film industry

The application of AI (Artificial Intelligence) is increasingly popular in many fields, including the film industry. Accordingly, AI has been used at various stages of the movie-making process, from script writing to image and music creation, props, actor selection, production, and post-production. This brings not only opportunities but also challenges for the Vietnamese film industry.
Employees of Alpha Animation Studio Company apply AI in film production.
Employees of Alpha Animation Studio Company apply AI in film production.

The script is determined to play an important role in a film. Now, based on available data, AI algorithms can analyse, create, and thereby produce unique scenarios and even multiple versions of the script.

AI may also be used to predicting the success of a script that will be made into film by studying the script storyline, bring forward possible questions on uncertainties, and suggesting improvements.

According to experts, AI has great potential in simplifying the production process by supporting schedule planning, selecting actors, film backgrounds, and predicting revenues.

AI has also been initially applied in stages such as creating soundtrack and pre-production of the film making process, and has witnessed effective results.

Sharing his viewpoint about the application of AI in the film industry, Director - Meritorious Artist Trinh Lam Tung said that that it is good to have AI at work, but the manner and awareness of using AI is an important factor.

“Let AI be an effective and suitable support tool for each stage of film production to save time and human resources,” he said.

The advantage of using AI is that there is no need to pay it salary, and there is no concept of lying, quitting job, nor postponing work, and it is available anytime people need it.

Director - Meritorious Artist Trinh Lam Tung

In the script writing stage, instead of having scriptwriter read a lot of information and verify the source of that information, which can be confusing and waste time, AI can help to synthesise large amounts of information in a faster way.

At this stage, the important thing is how to ask questions. When giving assignment to AI, users need to deeply understand the information to get better zoning results. Then, asking cross-questions in many different ways to verify the AI's analysis.

Tung gave an example with the question: “Please give me three script ideas for an animated film about the adventure of rescuing the earth of a group of young people (it is better to have detailed description of age and personality of the characters) when the earth is attacked by those from outer space).

After receiving the results from the AI, it is necessary to ask cross-questions, such as: “What does the audience like about this type of film?”, “What makes the audience interested?”, and “How will film impact audiences?”

Tung pointed out that the advantage of using AI is that there is no need to pay it salary, and there is no concept of lying, quitting job, nor postponing work, and it is available anytime people need it.

He also noted disadvantages of AI, as users can only achieve good results while using AI if they have certain background knowledge of the context when asking questions.

Around the world, AI has penetrated deeply into almost all stages of film production.

For example, Warner Bros. has turned to Cinelytic AI-based platform to predict the success of its movies and box office receipts. 20th Century Fox has integrated the Merlin system that uses AI and machine learning to match movies to particular genres and audiences, as well as provide complete demographics for any movie. ScriptBook is another AI-based film prediction system that has been used by Sony Pictures to analyse 62 of its movies.

AI solutions can also speed up casting actors by automatically performing auditions. Filmmakers may also benefit from applying AI to create various digital characters, such as the fictional supervillain Thanos for Avengers: Infinity War which was designed with the use of machine learning.

Additionally, film studios have been using AI for effective advertising and promotion.

For example, 20th Century Fox has developed the Merlin Video neural network to predict the success of promotional videos. The film studio has also used IBM’s supercomputer for making the advertising clip for the movie Morgan.

Alongside opportunities, AI is also posing challenges to the film industry.

Writers Guild of America members and supporters picket outside Sunset Bronson Studios and Netflix Studios, after union negotiators called a strike for film and television writers, in Los Angeles, California, U.S., May 3, 2023. (Photo: REUTERS)

Writers Guild of America members and supporters picket outside Sunset Bronson Studios and Netflix Studios, after union negotiators called a strike for film and television writers, in Los Angeles, California, U.S., May 3, 2023. (Photo: REUTERS)

In May 2023, Hollywood was shaken by a strike wave from 11,500 members of the Writers Guild of America (WGA) protesting low wages, fewer job opportunities, and competition with AI causing their incomes to become unstable and forcing them to do many other jobs to make a living.

Sharing about this risk, director Luong Dinh Dung said: “I think most of those working in the film industry, especially animated films, will be seriously affected by AI, with some of them even become jobless, because facts have shown that AI can eventually handle many difficult problems.

To prepare for this challenge, each director or filmmaker must equip themselves with a good foundation and establish their own competitive brand, he said.

Human creativity in art is something that is difficult to replace anyway, he asserted.

Sharing the same view, Associate Professor, Dr. Do Lenh Hung Tu, Chairman of the Vietnam Cinema Association, emphasised that human feelings and emotions are factors that AI cannot intervene in.

He said that the making of a cinematic work requires collective efforts, both artistically and technically, all of them should operate in a smoothly manner. AI creates big competition but it is not scary if the filmmakers are dedicated and talented.