Over 1.7 million helmets granted to first graders in new school year

The National Traffic Safety Committee in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Training and Honda Vietnam Company organised a programme to provide helmets for first grade students nationwide in the 2024-2025 school year.
Representatives of the agencies pressed the button to launch the programme on providing helmets for first grade students.
Representatives of the agencies pressed the button to launch the programme on providing helmets for first grade students.

The programme's launching ceremony was held at Van Bao Primary School (Ha Dong District, Hanoi) on September 23.

The presentation of standard helmets to first grader at all elementary schools nationwide has been held since the 2018-2019 school year. To date, Honda Vietnam has gifted nearly 10.3 million helmets.

The decision to donate more than 1.7 million standard helmets in the 2024-2025 school year aims to form the habit of wearing helmets among motorbike users in Vietnam, thereby increasing the rate of wearing helmets that meet national technical standards to 100%; raising awareness of traffic safety for students and parents through training and communication activities; and coordinate with the Government to strengthen patrols and control and strictly handle violations related to the production, trade and use of helmets that do not meet national technical standards in localities, especially in large cities.

For first graders — an important age for forming awareness and thinking, it is extremely necessary to create for them the habit of always wearing a standard helmet when sitting on a motorbike.

For first graders — an important age for forming awareness and thinking, it is extremely necessary to create for them the habit of always wearing a standard helmet when sitting on a motorbike.

At the ceremony, the parties agreed and signed a memorandum of understanding with the above contents.

They expected that through this helmet donation event, more than 1.7 million students and 300,000 parents will be trained in knowledge and skills to safely participate in traffic, thereby gradually contributing to realising the Government's goal of "No deaths due to road traffic accidents" by 2045.