Overseas Vietnamese in Cambodia gather for pre-Tet celebration

The Vietnamese Embassy in Cambodia held a get-together for staff of the embassy and Vietnamese representatives and families in Cambodia on January 26 to celebrate the up coming Lunar New Year (Tet) holiday .
Ambassador Nguyen Huy Tang presents the foreign minister’s certificate of merit to several collectives and individuals for their contributions to the Vietnamese community in Cambodia.
Ambassador Nguyen Huy Tang presents the foreign minister’s certificate of merit to several collectives and individuals for their contributions to the Vietnamese community in Cambodia.

Speaking at the event, Vietnamese Ambassador to Cambodia Nguyen Huy Tang briefed the guests and the Vietnamese community about Vietnam's important achievements in the political, economic, and social fields over the past year.

The Ambassador lauded the staff of the Embassy and Vietnamese representative agencies for their efforts in overcoming difficulties and successfully completing the tasks assigned by the Party and State.

According to the Ambassador, despite numerous difficulties over the past year, the Vietnamese community in Cambodia, has promoted the spirit of solidarity, helping each other to overcome difficulties and stabilise their lives.

On this occasion, on behalf of the Embassy, Ambassador Nguyen Huy Tang presented the foreign minister’s certificate of merit to several collectives and individuals for their contributions to the work of the Vietnamese community in Cambodia.