Rural building programme generates positive changes to Quang Ninh’s Hai Ha District

In recent years, the local authorities and people of Hai Ha District, in northern Quang Ninh Province, have mobilised all available resources towards implementing the programme on building new-styled rural areas.
Harvesting tea in Quang Long Commune, Hai Ha District, Quang Ninh Province.
Harvesting tea in Quang Long Commune, Hai Ha District, Quang Ninh Province.

In 2021, the district fulfilled the tasks set in the programme, and recognised as a new-styled rural district. The locality is now making every effort to gain the title as an advanced and exemplary new-style rural district.

After more than 10 years of implementing the programme on building new-styled rural areas, 10 communes in Hai Ha District met criteria for new rural standards new-style rural development, three others were recognised as advanced new-style rural communes, and two others were named as exemplary new-style rural communes.

Quang Son was one of the two most disadvantaged communes in Hai Ha District, with 98% of total population being ethnic minorities.

In the past, the commune had high rate of poor and near-poor households (more than 80%), and a poor transport system.

The implementation of rural building programme has brought about positive changes to Quang Son Commune in all fields, especially economics, culture, and society.

Accordingly, the number of poor households in the commune reduced from 63 in 2020 to 30 in 2023.

Chairman of Quang Son Commune Farmers' Association Tang A Nhi shared that when he was tasked with implementing a number of forest development and agricultural production models in Mo Kiet Village, Quang Som Commune, he visited every household in the village and gave direct instructions on farming techniques and agricultural production to the locals.

As a result, the production of plant varieties and livestock in the village has been improved with higher economic value, contributing to generating hundreds of millions Vietnamese dongs to local households every year.

Meanwhile in Quang Chinh Commune, the new rural building programme has helped to shift the crop structure and create favourable conditions for the development of commercial - service and handicraft sector while improving the transport infrastructure, healthcare, and education, thus enhancing the livelihoods of the local people.

A corner of Quang Chinh Commune (Photo:

A corner of Quang Chinh Commune (Photo:

To date, the per capita income in the commune has reached more than 70 million VND each year, and 100% of the households have access to clean water.

Secretary of the Quang Chinh Commune Party Committee of Bui Thi Cuc said that thanks to the full participation of the entire political system and the consensus of the people, the building of new-styled rural areas has brought about positive effects in all aspects, creating the motivation and foundation to boost socio-economic development and improve people's lives in the locality.

The income per capita in the commune has reached 76 million VND per year.

The new-styled rural area building programme in Hai Ha district has mobilised the enthusiastic participation of the entire political system and high determination of local people.

The district’s authorities have made drastic directions and implemented many creative solutions to mobilize available resources and fulfil the tasks set in the programme.

Inspections on the implementation of the programme has also been strengthened across the communes.

Hai Ha district’s authorities have made drastic directions and implemented many creative solutions to mobilize available resources and fulfil the tasks set in the programme on building new-styled rural areas.

Thanks to the joint efforts made by authorities and people, Hai Ha District has gradually become a green, clean, and beautiful district.

Most of the inter-communal and inter-village roads, and alleys in the district have been concreted. Local households have access to national grid.

Communal houses have been built in all villages and communes in the district to host cultural and sports activities of the locales. Schools in the area have been upgraded to meet the teaching and learning demand of students and teachers.

Notably, all villages in communes now have connected to the internet, and more than 90% of local internet users can access the internet using their smartphones.

Vice Chairman of Hai Ha District People's Committee Nguyen Huu Liem said that the local authorities have exerted efforts to promote the implementation of advanced and exemplary new-style rural areas with attention being paid to developing industry-construction industries, trade, services, and handicrafts in order to create a strong shift in economic structure.

At the same time, the district will continue to promote administrative reform and create a favourable business environment to attract more investors.

The district targets to be recognised as an advanced new-style rural district by the end of 2023.