Da Nang International Fireworks Festival 2024

Teams from Finland and China create fairy tale world with firework displays in Da Nang

Two teams, JoHo Pyro Professional Fireworks from Finland and Liuyang Jingduan New-art Display from China created a magnificent fireworks art show entitled ‘Made of Fairy Tales’, during the fourth night of the Da Nang International Fireworks Festival 2024 (DIFF) on June 29.
Teams from Finland and China create fairy tale world with firework displays in Da Nang
Teams from Finland and China create fairy tale world with firework displays in Da Nang
Making their debut at the DIFF, Liuyang Jingduan New-art Display brought to the event a performance entitled ‘A Summer Song’.

Making their debut at the DIFF, Liuyang Jingduan New-art Display brought to the event a performance entitled ‘A Summer Song’.

The team has won many international awards in Russia, Thailand, and China.

The team has won many international awards in Russia, Thailand, and China.

Their performance at DIFF showcases the landscape and culture of China, with traditional Chinese music and impressive high-range fireworks.

Their performance at DIFF showcases the landscape and culture of China, with traditional Chinese music and impressive high-range fireworks.

The beauty of China is described by the fireworks performance of the Liuyang Jingduan New-art Display team.

The beauty of China is described by the fireworks performance of the Liuyang Jingduan New-art Display team.

Meanwhile, the Finland team demonstrated their ‘Millions of Dreams’ performance, with 10,000 fireworks launches in a 20-minute show.

Meanwhile, the Finland team demonstrated their ‘Millions of Dreams’ performance, with 10,000 fireworks launches in a 20-minute show.

The fireworks performance featured a distinctive European culture, and the numerous fireworks made the night truly unique.

The fireworks performance featured a distinctive European culture, and the numerous fireworks made the night truly unique.

The team was crowned champion at DIFF 2019, Warsaw International Fireworks Festival 2015, Montréal International Fireworks Competition, and Montreal Canada 2023.

The team was crowned champion at DIFF 2019, Warsaw International Fireworks Festival 2015, Montréal International Fireworks Competition, and Montreal Canada 2023.

The ‘Millions of Dreams’ performance captivated the hearts of more than 10,000 audience members.

The ‘Millions of Dreams’ performance captivated the hearts of more than 10,000 audience members.

DIFF’s jury board will soon announce the two best teams for the final night, on July 13. The final night will be broadcast live on Vietnam Television’s Channel 1.

DIFF’s jury board will soon announce the two best teams for the final night, on July 13. The final night will be broadcast live on Vietnam Television’s Channel 1.

NDO/Photos: Thanh Tam