Thai Foreign Minister pays tribute to Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

Thailand's Minister of Foreign Affairs Maris Sangiampongsa on July 23 came to the Vietnamese Embassy in Bangkok to pay his last respect to General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong who passed away on July 19.
Thailand's Minister of Foreign Affairs Maris Sangiampongsa on July 23 comes to the Vietnamese Embassy in Bangkok to pay his last respect to General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong. (Photo: VNA)
Thailand's Minister of Foreign Affairs Maris Sangiampongsa on July 23 comes to the Vietnamese Embassy in Bangkok to pay his last respect to General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong. (Photo: VNA)

Writing in the funeral book at the embassy, the minister offered deep condolences to Vietnamese Ambassador to Thailand Pham Viet Hung and all staff members at the embassy over the great loss of the Party, State, Government and people of Vietnam. He wrote that General Secretary Trong will be remembered as a leader with firm will and a great mind, who has devoted his entire life to the development and prosperity of the Vietnamese country and people. The General Secretary’s lifelong career has contributed to Vietnam’s transformation and rapid development, he wrote.

Minister Maris also highlighted the Party leader’s important role in his historic visit to Thailand in 2013, which lifted the two countries’ relationship to a strategic partnership and helped promote bilateral cooperation across the fields.

On behalf of the Royal Government and people of Thailand, the minister extended the deepest condolences to the family of General Secretary Trong and the Government and people of Vietnam.