Thua Thien-Hue, Champasak share front work experience

Visiting Chairwoman of the Lao Front for National Construction Committee of Champasak province Vardsana Silima held talks with Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Committee of central Thua Thien-Hue province Nguyen Nam Tien on November 3 to share front work experience.
At the event (Photo: VNA)
At the event (Photo: VNA)

Tien spoke highly of the cooperation between the two localities over the past years, especially in education, workforce training and health care.

He suggested both sides actively raise public awareness of the traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties, Governments and peoples of Vietnam and Laos. The two sides should also work with departments and agencies in their respective localities to promote social investment in production and bilateral cooperation in education-training, health care, culture, sports, tourism and other services.

Silima lauded the Thua Thien Hue VFF Committee for sharing its experience in front work, including fundraising for social welfare, religious management, and dissemination of Party and State’s resolutions, policies and laws.

She wished the two localities would enhance cooperation in all areas to further tighten their special solidarity and friendship.

Since 2002,Thua Thien-Hue has received 1,347 Lao students, including over 220 from Champasak.

The province has also created conditions for officials and people from Champasak to have health check-ups and treatment at Hue Central Hospital and Hue University Hospital.

During the visit, the Lao delegation also paid a courtesy call to leaders of the provincial Party Committee.