Vietnam attends security-defence expo in Turkey

Lieutenant General Pham Truong Son, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army, is leading a Vietnamese delegation to the security and defence expo SEDEC 2024 in Ankara from May 19 to 25 at the invitation of the Turkish Ministry of National Defence and Defence Industry Agency.
Lieutenant General Pham Truong Son (L) in a working session with Minister of National Defence Yasar Guler, with attendance of Chief of the Turkish General Staff General Metin Gurak (Photo:
Lieutenant General Pham Truong Son (L) in a working session with Minister of National Defence Yasar Guler, with attendance of Chief of the Turkish General Staff General Metin Gurak (Photo:

After attending the opening ceremony of the expo, Son had working sessions with Chief of the Turkish General Staff General Metin Gurak, and Minister of National Defence Yasar Guler, during which he spoke highly of the traditional friendship between the two nations, and shared Turkey’s reconstruction efforts in areas battered by the quake in 2023.

He suggested the Turkish Ministry of National Defence and army to create favourable conditions for defence industry firms to attend the Vietnam International Defence Expo 2024 held later this year.

Meanwhile, the Turkish officials welcomed the Vietnamese delegation to the SEDEC, saying their attendance contributes to the success of the expo as well as promotes the cooperation ties between the two nations as agreed by high-level leaders of both sides.

They took the occasion to thank Vietnam for sending rescue teams to assist Turkey recovery efforts following the devastating quake.

Affirming the two sides boast huge cooperation potential, they expressed their hope to bolster defence collaboration, including defence industry, training, and experience sharing.

During their stay in Turkey, the delegation also visited booths at the expo and had working sessions with several defence industry companies.