Vietnam – Laos friendship garden built in Laos

A delegation of the Border Guard High Command of Son La province, led by Colonel Ca Van Lap, political commissar of the provincial Border Guard, planted and handed over 1,000 seedlings to the Military Command of Houaphanh Province, Laos, on July 11.

The seedlings are transferred to the Military Command of Houaphanh Province.
The seedlings are transferred to the Military Command of Houaphanh Province.

The Son La Provincial Border Guard High Command called for and socialised the fund from the group "Green sprout in the highlands", to buy and transfer seedlings and fertilisers to the Military Command of Houaphanh Province.

The seedlings transferred to the Military Command of Houaphanh Province, Laos, included 1,000 grafted plum seedlings, grafted avocado and grafted grapefruit, worth a total of about 31 million VND.

The delegation of the Provincial Border Guard High Command and the Military Command of HouaphanhProvince planted several souvenir trees.

The delegation of the Provincial Border Guard High Command and the Military Command of HouaphanhProvince planted several souvenir trees.

The garden covers an area of 3 hectares at Battalion 163, Xamneua Town, Houaphanh Province, Laos.

Major Khamsulinphon-Phetphaphenh, from the Military Command of Houaphanh Province, said the friendship garden is significant in promoting the spirit of solidarity, friendship and cooperation between the two units.

Vietnamese officers directly guide the technique of planting and caring for trees at the planting site.

Vietnamese officers directly guide the technique of planting and caring for trees at the planting site.

The activity also contributed to building a symbol of solidarity, consolidating and strengthening the special solidarity and friendship between Vietnam and Laos, as well as building a borderline between Vietnam and Laos for peace, friendship, cooperation and development.