Vietnamese university honoured for training Lao health workers

The Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy in the northern province of Thai Binh on June 27 received the first-class Labour Order conferred by the Lao State in recognition of its contribution to training human resources for the Lao health sector.
On behalf of the Lao President, the Lao Embassy in Vietnam awarded the Labour Order, first class, to Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy. (Photo: NDO)
On behalf of the Lao President, the Lao Embassy in Vietnam awarded the Labour Order, first class, to Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy. (Photo: NDO)

Addressing the award ceremony, Lao Ambassador to Vietnam Sengphet Houngboungnuang appreciated the outstanding achievements of the university during its construction and development. More than 400 Lao medical staff have been trained at the university since 1969. After returning to their homeland, these doctors and nurses have actively contributed to improving public health care.

Dr. Nguyen Quoc Tien, President of the university, expressed his deep gratitude to the Party, State and people of Laos for the noble award as well as many other orders and medals given to the university's officials and lecturers.

The Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy was established in 1968. One year later, the university was assigned to train medical workers for Laos and then Cambodia, Mozambique and the Republic of Korea.

In the 2022-2023 academic year, the university trains 415 foreign students, including 280 Laotians, 129 Cambodians, five Mozambicans and one Korean.

On this occasion, 16 officials and lecturers of the university were awarded the third-class Labour Order, the Labour Medal, the Friendship Order and the Friendship Medal by the Lao President and Prime Minister for their contributions to the development of the health sector in the neighbouring country.

The same day, the university held the graduation ceremony for 72 foreign students, including 55 from Laos and 17 from Cambodia.