Voting commences for fifty outstanding literary and art works after national reunification day

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism held a ceremony at the Hanoi Opera House on May 18 to launch the voting for 50 outstanding literary and performing art works after national reunification day.
An art performance at the event.
An art performance at the event.

Speaking at the event, Ta Quang Dong, Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, said that literature and arts had great power, inspiring the whole country to overcome pain and hardship to fight and sacrifice for final victory.

Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Ta Quang Dong speaks at the event.

Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Ta Quang Dong speaks at the event.

The voting for 50 most outstanding literary and art performing art works since the country’s reunification day aims to honour, propagate, and raise awareness of the role and significant contributions of literature and performing arts towards building an advanced culture imbued with national identity; as well as to continue to fully and deeply grasp the Party's guidelines and policies on culture and arts.

The voting also contributes to encouraging and promoting the talents and enthusiasm of writers and artists while recognising their contributions towards the diversity of Vietnamese literature and arts.

At the launching ceremony

At the launching ceremony

Accordingly, to be awarded, the 50 literary and performing art works must be typical and excellent works composed between May 1975 and April 30, 2024, by authors who are Vietnamese citizens or foreigners living, working, and studying in Vietnam. The works must have been published, staged, and performed.

Among them, there will be 15 literary works in the genres of novels, epics, short stories, and poetry collections; 15 theatrical works in the genres of drama, opera, cheo (Vietnamese traditional opera), cai luong (reformed theatre) and ca kich (traditional royal theatre); ten musical works of symphony, choir, opera, and song; and ten dance works.

The selected works must have great value in both content and artistry.

The selected works must have great value in both content and artistry.

The selected works must have profound humanity and exceptionally outstanding values in both terms of content and artistry. They must also a broad and lasting influence on social life and contribute to the cause of national construction and defence.

The organising committee also prioritises works that have received the Ho Chi Minh Prize and the State Prize for literature and arts or have won prizes at professional competitions and festivals organised by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Central Literary and Specialised Arts Associations as well as at international literary and theatre awards.

The submissions for voting will be sent to the Department of Performing Arts under the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism until December 31, 2024.