Annual national forum to promote business in multicultural environment

A press briefing was held by the Vietnam Enterprise Culture Development Association in Hanoi on July 8 to announce the fourth Annual National Forum entitled "Culture with Business" in 2024.
At the press conference
At the press conference

The forum, themed "Business in a Multicultural Environment”, is scheduled to take place in Hanoi on November 10, 2024, coinciding with Vietnam's Business Culture Day (November 10).

The forum aims to contribute to realising the Party's and State's policies on building Vietnamese culture and people, as well as leveraging cultural potentials, strengths, and resources to meet the country’s sustainable development demand.

The forum also serves as a platform for businesses to discuss, debate, exchange experiences, and learn from each other to maximise positive impacts and minimise negative effects of a multicultural environment on business operations, towards operating effectively and achieve sustainable development.

The event also provides an opportunity for the Party and State leaders to meet and talk with business community listen to suggestions and proposals regarding mechanisms and policies to support businesses in effective operations in a multicultural environment.

The forum will include two main activities including a seminar themed “Business in a Multicultural Environment” and a ceremony to honour and grant the certifications to Vietnamese enterprises meeting “business culture standard”.

At the press briefing, the organising committee announced a set of updated Vietnamese business culture criterias 2024, which comprises five mandatory criteria including no smuggling or tax evasion; no production or trading of counterfeit goods or harmful products; no wage or insurance debts; no fraud, exploitation, or harm to other organisations or individuals; and no violation of other legal regulations. It also includes 33 evaluation indicators categorised into 5 groups of sustainable business development leadership, building and developing business culture, upholding legal compliance, business ethics, and social responsibility.