Winter-spring rice output expected to reach 20.3 million tonnes

The whole country planted 2.96 million ha of rice in this year’s winter-spring crop, an increase of about 1,600 ha over the same period last year with a total estimated output of approximately 20.3 million tonnes, according to Director of the Department of Crop Production Nguyen Nhu Cuong.
Mechanisation in rice production in Thai Binh Province. (Illustrative image)
Mechanisation in rice production in Thai Binh Province. (Illustrative image)

Cuong noted that this is a relatively successful season, with high production efficiency for farmers.

The Department of Crop Production also said that in this winter-spring crop, many new technical advances were recommended for farmers to apply in production such as the using of high-quality rice seeds, hybrid rice, rice transplanters, and others.

According to the plan, in the summer-autumn crop of 2024, localities across the country are expected to cultivate about 1.91 million ha of rice with an output of 11 million tonnes.

This year’s summer-autumn rice crop is predicted to face many disadvantages due to the impacts of drought, water shortages, rains, storms, floods, and harmful pests. Therefore, the Department of Crop Production asked localities to closely monitor the weather situation to have response plans.

In addition, localities should actively review rice areas that are likely to suffer from drought or water shortages to convert to other crops.