Book highlights journey of Asian-African-Latin American cooperation

The Vietnam Committee for Asian-African-Latin American Solidarity and Cooperation, under the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations, held a seminar in Hanoi on June 12 to introduce the book titled “The Vietnam Committee for Asian-African-Latin American Solidarity and Cooperation: Journeys, Friends”.
The seminar is held by the Vietnam Committee for Asian-African-Latin American Solidarity and Cooperation.
The seminar is held by the Vietnam Committee for Asian-African-Latin American Solidarity and Cooperation.

Speaking at the seminar, Assoc. Prof. Dr Nguyen The Ky, former member of the Party Central Committee, Chairman of the Central Council for the Theory and Criticism of Literature and the Arts, and Head of the Vietnam Committee for Asian-African-Latin American Solidarity and Cooperation, said the committee was formed on October 19, 1956, and has become one of the founders and active members of the Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organisation (AAPSO).

Assoc. Prof. Dr Nguyen The Ky speaks at the seminar.

Assoc. Prof. Dr Nguyen The Ky speaks at the seminar.

Over the past 70 years of formation and development, the committee has made important contributions to the struggle for national liberation, reunification, construction and defence, as well as strengthening the friendship, solidarity and cooperation between the Vietnamese and the people of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

The committee has also actively mobilised and gained sympathy, support and multi-faceted assistance from the people of Asia, Africa and Latin America, as well as the people around the world for Vietnam, contributing to enhancing the role, position and prestige of Vietnam at regional and world forums.

Pham Van Chuong, former Chairman of the Vietnam Committee for Asian-African-Latin American Solidarity and Cooperation, introduces the book.

Pham Van Chuong, former Chairman of the Vietnam Committee for Asian-African-Latin American Solidarity and Cooperation, introduces the book.

Pham Van Chuong, former Head of the committee, said the book, released in Vietnamese and English, has six main parts.

The book highlights the memorable journeys, loyal international friends, and long-standing relations of the Vietnam Committee for Asian-African-Latin American Solidarity and Cooperation; as well as the committee’s contributions to the goals of peace, solidarity, friendship, national independence, social progress and sustainable development in the Asia-Africa-Latin America region in particular and the world in general.

The book has historical, cultural and educational value, not only for today's generation but also for future generations, to look back at the glorious past, and promote achievements and valuable lessons as indispensable provisions to move towards a brighter future.