Côte d’Ivoire leader suggests specific activities in transport cooperation with Vietnam

President of Côte d’Ivoire’s National Assembly Adama Bictogo suggested that Vietnam and Côte d’Ivoire should enhance their transport cooperation with specific, substantive activities, at his meeting with Transport Minister Nguyen Van Thang in Hanoi on June 15.
At the meeting (Photo: VNA)
At the meeting (Photo: VNA)

Bictogo, who is on an official visit to Vietnam, said the opening of direct flights will make it easier for traders of the two countries to seek and materialise cooperation opportunities.

He added that the two countries should step up collaboration in maritime transportation to optimise their potential in this field.

The leader said he held talks with National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue and met with President Vo Van Thuong on June 14, during which they agreed to facilitate payment and the expansion of the network of banking agents in support of the bilateral trade ties, covering the transport sector.

Currently, Vietnam is a big importer of cashew nuts and yarn of Côte d’Ivoire, he said, stressing that Côte d’Ivoire wants to serve as a gateway for Vietnamese electronics and garments-textiles to enter West African nations.

For his part, Thang hailed the Côte d’Ivoire top legislator’s visit as an important milestone in promoting cooperation between the two legislatures in particular and the two countries in general.

The minister noted that Côte d’Ivoire is now Vietnam’s second biggest trade partner in Africa with two-way trade reaching 1.04 billion USD last year, and lauded efforts by the two sides in accelerating negotiations for a bilateral agreement on cooperation in economy and trade.

The agreement will create a foundation for the bilateral economic and trade ties, and a premise for the development of shipping routes, and well as the launch of direct flights between the two countries in the future, he stressed.

Thang said the transport cooperation should be enhanced on par with potential of both countries, thus further facilitating the trade and investment ties.

The two sides agreed to speed up the negotiations and signing of a bilateral air transport agreement, towards the opening of direct flights in order to facilitate socio-economic development and people-to-people exchanges.

At the same time, they will soon hold negotiations on and sign a maritime transport agreement to strengthen cooperation in this field and reduce maritime transportation costs.

The two sides also consented to enhance information sharing, promote the presence and investment of Vietnamese businesses in Côte d'Ivoire, and vice versa.