Doctor Trinh Thang’s painting collection features “state of mind" of Great Achievers

Painter and public health doctor Trinh Thang officially unveiled his painting collection entitled "Rung dong tu hu vo” (Vibrations from the Void) at the exhibition “Phan tao”, which opened on August 10 at 34 Chau Long Street, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi.
Doctor Trinh Thang plays ‘dan da’ (lithophone) at the opening ceremony for the exhibition.
Doctor Trinh Thang plays ‘dan da’ (lithophone) at the opening ceremony for the exhibition.

The collection consists of 104 paintings portraying sacred beings, revered masters, wise figures, and great achievers such as Buddha Shakyamuni, Jesus Christ, and others. Doctor Thang worked for four continuous months to complete these unique paintings.

Each painting is entirely independent in terms of style, form, and colour, but they all share a common element that most viewers can sense, even if they cannot define what it is.

According to Dr. Trinh Thang, if these works are called portraits, it would not be entirely accurate because the paintings do not focus on perfectly replicating the physical features or appearance of anyone. Instead, they delve into depicting the essential mental state of a great achiever.

Dr. Trinh Thang's paintings are on display at the exhibition "Phan tao".

Dr. Trinh Thang's paintings are on display at the exhibition "Phan tao".

Dr. Trinh Thang shared: "When looking at these paintings, we can immediately see that the eyes of these figures are not just physical eyes but rather a state of mind”.

This is no longer about pure beauty but a powerful spirit emanating from the paintings that cannot be denied.

Not only does the collection "Vibrations from the Void" bring unique masterpieces in the field of arts and painting, but Dr. Trinh Thang also hopes to spread profound values in spirituality and life to the public.

The "Vibrations from the Void" collection will be on display at the “Phan tao” exhibition from August 10 to 25, 2024.

A painting at the exhibition.

A painting at the exhibition.

Dr. Trinh Thang was born in 1972 in Thai Binh Province. He earned his Ph.D. in Public Health, specialising in Social and Behavioural Sciences, from the University of North Carolina of the US in 2007, funded by the VEF. Dr. Trinh Thang is the author of dozens of books on health and culture, novels, short stories, poems, contemporary folk-inspired songs, qigong, and meditation, as well as solo art exhibitions.