The books, including both Vietnamese books and translated publications, were arranged in seven categories: research, education, economics, management, literature, children's books, and new discoveries.
‘Dai Hoc’ (University), a book by Nguyen Xuan Xanh, and ‘Nhung Nguyen Tac Dao Duc Trong Giao Duc’ (Moral Principles in Education) by John Dewey, which was translated by Cao Tuan, were honoured in the education category.
Prizes in the research category went to a book on Vietnam’s Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagos by Phan Hoang Quan, and ‘Tri Thuc Khach Quan – Mot Cach Tiep Can Duoi Goc Do Tien Hoa’ (Objective Knowledge: An Evolutionary Approach) by Karl R. Popper, translated by Chu Lan Dinh and edited by Bui Van Nam Son.
The awards’ council also announced wining books in the five remaining categories.
According to Gian Tu Trung, a member of the awards’ council, the awards aim to honour writers, translators and publishing houses while introducing worth-reading books to the public and cultivating a reading culture in society.